Connect your routes to redux state/dispatch with queryParams.
ember-redux is required.
ember install ember-redux-route-connect
This works the same way as connected components in ember-redux, but the stateToComputed
and dispatchToActions
functions will be provided redux state and the current params for the route.
will be an object containing URL parameters, and any queryParams
that you've defined in your controller (if any).
import route from 'ember-redux/route';
import connect from 'ember-redux-route-connect';
// Maybe you have a fancy get by id in your reducer?
import { getItemById } from '../reducers';
const model = (dispatch, params) => {
// Nothing new here, do some async work.. or don't
return fetch(`/api/items${params.item_id}`).then(response => {
response.json().then(data => {
dispatch({ type: 'RECEIVE_ITEM', data });
const stateToComputed = (state, params) => {
return {
item: getItemById(state, params.item_id)
const dispatchToActions = (dispatch, params) => {
return {
deleteItem() {
fetch(`/api/items${params.item_id}`, { method: 'DELETE' }).then(() => {
dispatch({ type: 'REMOVE_ITEM', params.item_id });
const ItemRoute = route({ model })(Route.extend({
export default connect(stateToComputed, dispatchToActions)(ItemRoute);
Note: connect
and route
do not have to be used together if you don't need one or the other.
Your route's template would look much the same as a connected component's template/layout:
Check out the dummy app for a little more.