Perhaps, a library for parsing and typechecking a gleam project. Wraps the AST produced by glance with two pieces:
- Ability to represent and introspect a gleam program (multiple interdependent modules) as opposed to just one module.
- Typechecking both within and between modules.
This package is not filesystem aware. That means all modules need to be loaded externally, but it does provide tooling to determine what dependencies need to be loaded.
Docs: Repo:
gleam test # Run the tests
The main entry point is glimpse.load_package
. It accepts the name of the package
and a function that accepts the string name of a module and returns the contents
of the module.
pub fn load_package(
package_name: String,
loader: fn(String) -> Result(String, a),
) -> Result(Package, error.GlimpseError(a))
The loader function will be called with the main module for the package (which is always package_name) and for every module that is imported by that module (recursively).
Here's an example from the macabre gleam-to-python compiler:
fn load_glimpse_package(
project: project.Project,
) -> Result(glimpse.Package, errors.Error) {
glimpse.load_package(, fn(module_name) {
let path =
filepath.join(project.build_src_dir(project), module_name <> ".gleam")
|> result.map_error(fn(error) {
case error {
glimpse.LoadError(error) -> error
glimpse.ParseError(glance_error, name, content) ->
errors.GlanceParseError(glance_error, name, content)
Typechecking is mostly not implemented yet and not available in the public
release on hex. The entrypoints are in glimpse/typecheck. If you've loaded
a glimpse module as above, you probably want typecheck.package(glimpse_package)
. There are a couple other public functions in there
for checking individual modules and parts of modules, but it is probable
you want that one.
My vision for the project is that it handles the common parts of gleam compilation so that folks wanting to target different languages from gleam can focus on the codegen part.
I'd like to add some desugaring so that the output of glimpse is actually a simpler AST than the glance AST representing the full gleam language. This would reduce the footprint that compiler implementers need to cover while still targeting the entire language.
A couple ideas include:
- Desugar use statements to their function call syntax (already implemented in macabre and just needs to be ported to this package)
- Translate labelled fields to direct calls
- ??? suggestions welcome
If I tackle this, it will probably happen before type checking and inference so the typechecker also doesnt have to cover the entirety of glance.
The glance library does not maintain token positions with AST nodes. It does record the locations of parse errors, but that doesn't help with locating errors further up the chain. E.g. when there is an error with typechecking, there is currently no way to communicate to the user where the error occurred.
Solving this requires modifications to, a rewrite of, or a fork of the glance library. I'm not willing to tackle that anytime soon, but it is a prerequisite for the vision for this project.