My personal nvim config This cconfiguration is heavily inspired by Allaman. The Rust "IDE"-Build is mainly taken from "Rust and Neovim - A Thorough Guide and Walkthrough" and also Turning Neovim into a Full-Fledged Code Editor with Lua. Plugins used General stuff Treesitter Telescope telescope-fzf-native.nvim Nvim-Autopairs Bufferline.nvim Lualine.nvim nvim-tree.lua Comment.nvim Neovim-Session-Manager Fidget Package management Packer Mason ...Language servers, linters, etc. are installed via Mason. Completion lsp-zero.nvim cmp-nvim-lsp Language "specific" Rust Tools symbols-outline.nvin lsp-trouble.nvim Things worth cosidering 🤔 Gitsigns An alternative to vim-gitgutter LSPSaga A drop-in replacement for vim-lsp