WoTerFlow is an experimental Directory implementation in Kotlin, compliant with the W3C Web of Things Directory. The main goal of this implementation is to provide a high-performance and system but requiring low specifications utilizing Kotlin.
- Experimental Kotlin Implementation: WoTerFlow leverages the power of Kotlin for modern software development
- Concurrent Request Handling: WoTerFlow is designed to efficiently handle concurrent requests, ensuring seamless performance in a WoT environment.
- Data Correctness and Security: The server prioritizes the correctness and security of the persistent data layer, implementing synchronized constructs to guarantee data integrity.
- Ktor CIO Engine: Built on the Ktor framework with the CIO (Coroutine-based I/O) engine, the system delivers efficiency and scalability, taking full advance of Kotlin's coroutines asynchronous capabilities.
- Jena for RDF Storage: Apache Jena is used for persistent RDF storage and triple store functionality, to allow Semantic queries via SPARQL.
- Optimized Lookup Calls: To enhance performance, the server relies on a preloaded, in-memory data structure for lookup calls, eliminating the need for frequent queries to the triple store.
- JSON-LD v1.1: Performs conversion to the latest JSONLD-LD v1.1 format.
- Things API
- Creation
- Retrieval
- Update
- Deletion
- Listing
- Validation
- Events API
- Creation Event
- Update Event
- Deletion Event
- Diff support
- Search API
- Syntactic search: JSONPath
- Syntactic search: XPath
- Semantic search: SPARQL
API Endpoint | Method | Headers | Reference | Description |
/things |
n/a |
Listing | Responds to the HEAD request for the listing route. |
/things/ |
n/a |
Listing | Responds to the HEAD request for the listing route. |
/things |
Accept: application/ld+json application/json |
Listing | Retrieves the listing of all the stored Thing Descriptions, in a JSON-LD format. |
/things/ |
Accept: application/ld+json application/json |
Listing | Retrieves the listing of all the stored Thing Descriptions, in a JSON-LD format. |
/things{offset,limit,sort_by,sort_order} |
Accept: application/ld+json application/json |
Listing | Retrieves the listing of all the stored Thing Descriptions, in a JSON-LD format, using the specified filters. |
/things/{id} |
n/a |
Retrieval | Checks if a Thing Descriptions exists within the system. |
/things/{id} |
Accept: application/ld+json application/json |
Retrieval | Retrieves a Thing Description with the corresponding request parameter id (if existing), in a JSON-LD format. |
/things |
Content-Type: application/ld+json application/json |
Creation (anonymous) | Creates an Anonymous Thing Description with the provided request body (MUST be JSON-LD format). The generated uuid is returned in the response Location Header . |
/things/ |
Content-Type: application/ld+json application/json |
Creation (anonymous) | Creates an Anonymous Thing Description with the provided request body (MUST be JSON-LD format). The generated uuid is returned in the response Location Header . |
/things/{id} |
Content-Type: application/ld+json application/json |
Creation or Update | Creates (if not existing) or Updates (instead) an Anonymous Thing Description with the provided request body (MUST be JSON-LD format). The generated (or updated) uuid is returned in the response Location Header . |
/things/{id} |
Content-Type: application/ld+json application/json |
Partial Update (Patch) | Partially updates an existing Anonymous Thing Description with the provided request body. The TD id is returned in the response Location Header . |
/things/{id} |
n/a |
Deletion | Deletes an Anonymous Thing Description with the corresponding request parameter id . |
API Endpoint | Method | Headers | Reference | Description |
/events |
n/a |
Events Notification | Subscribes to all the events (creation , update , deletion ) notification supported by the server. The events are streamed via Server-Sent Events (SSE). Whenever a stored Thing Description is created /updated /deleted a notification will be sent via SSE. |
/events/thing_created |
n/a |
Events Notification | Subscribes to the cretion events notification. The events are streamed via Server-Sent Events (SSE). Whenever a stored Thing Description is created a notification will be sent via SSE. |
/events/thing_updated |
n/a |
Events Notification | Subscribes to the update events notification. The events are streamed via Server-Sent Events (SSE). Whenever a stored Thing Description is updated a notification will be sent via SSE. |
/events/thing_deleted |
n/a |
Events Notification | Subscribes to the deletion events notification. The events are streamed via Server-Sent Events (SSE). Whenever a stored Thing Description is deleted a notification will be sent via SSE. |
API Endpoint | Method | Headers | Reference | Description |
/search/sparql |
n/a |
Semantic Search: SPARQL | Responds to the HEAD request for the SPARQL Semantic Search route. |
/search/sparql{query} |
Accept: application/sparql-results+json or application/sparql-results+xml or text/csv or text/tab-separated-values or text/turtle |
Semantic Search: SPARQL | Solves the search of Thing Descriptions via a SPARQL query (following the SPARQL query standards). Query results can be output in the following format, depending by the request header (JSON by default if no specific format is required). ASK or SELECT queries: JSON (application/sparql-results+json ), XML (application/sparql-results+xml ), CSV (text/csv ), TSV (text/tab-separated-values ). CONSTRUCT or DESCRIBE queries: TURTLE (text/turtle ) |
/search/sparql{query} |
Accept: application/sparql-results+json or application/sparql-results+xml or text/csv or text/tab-separated-values or text/turtle |
Semantic Search: SPARQL | Solves the search of Thing Descriptions via a SPARQL query (following the SPARQL query standards). Query results can be output in the following format, depending by the request header (JSON by default if no specific format is required). ASK or SELECT queries: JSON (application/sparql-results+json ), XML (application/sparql-results+xml ), CSV (text/csv ), TSV (text/tab-separated-values ). CONSTRUCT or DESCRIBE queries: TURTLE (text/turtle ) |
/search/jsonpath{query} |
Accept: application/sparql-results+json or application/sparql-results+xml or text/csv or text/tab-separated-values or text/turtle |
Syntactic Search: JSONPath | Solves the search of Thing Descriptions via a JSONPath query (following the JSONPath query standards). Query results are sent as response in JSON format. |
/search/xpath{query} |
Accept: application/sparql-results+json or application/sparql-results+xml or text/csv or text/tab-separated-values or text/turtle |
Syntactic Search: XPath | Solves the search of Thing Descriptions via a XPath query (following the XPath query standards). Query results are sent as response in JSON format. |
This project has been tested via the testing suite at the following repository: farshidtz: WoT Discovery Testing
Some editing has been done to the testing suite:
func TestSPARQL(t *testing.T) {
const query = `select * { ?s ?p ?o }limit 5`
the query has been modified to support the RDF Named Graph structure as follows:
func TestSPARQL(t *testing.T) {
const query = `SELECT ?s ?p ?o ?g WHERE { GRAPH ?g { ?s ?p ?o } } LIMIT 5`