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twitter api clone for front/end back-end collaboration project

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API routes, requirements and other information:

New user creation route: POST /users(.:format) params permitted: :name, :email, :password, :userpic, :bio

Input: [No root key]

Key Value Constraints :name *Required field, must be unique, "." and "-" will be converted into "_" (1 to 255char) :email *Required field, must be unique, valid email address, within regex validation (1 to 255char) :password *Required field, (1 to 255char) :userpic None, should be link to users hosted picture (1 to 255char) :bio None (1 to 4294967296char)

Sample Input: name=danyo&

Sample Output:

{ "name": "danyo", "bio": null, "email": "", "userpic": null, "api_token": "4fe0234cf1cb01b0df72" }

Notes: api_token will be generated and needed for transactions on the site. * fields above will generate validation errors. User creation duplicated below. Sign-up email will be sent to new user's email address.

Sample Error: { "errors": [ "Name has already been taken", "Email has already been taken" ] }

route: POST /login(.:format) params permitted: :name, :password

Input: [No root key]

Key Value Constraints :name *Required field, searches user database for matching name :password *Required field, authenticates login against database password for user with value :name

Sample Output:

{ "api_token": "4fe0234cf1cb01b0df72" }

Notes: Upon successful validation, returns the user's api_token stored in the database. This value will be needed for future transactions on the site.

Sample Errors:

Wrong password- { "error": "Password incorrect" } HTTP/1.1 422 Unprocessable Entity

Username not found- { "error": "User not found" } HTTP/1.1 422 Unprocessable Entity

User timeline route: GET /timeline(.:format) params permitted: api_token

Input: [No root key]

Key Value Constraints :api_token *Required field, validates user identity with api_token against database and uses to determine current_user in other transactions

Sample Output: [ { "body": "You know, that little droid is going to cause me a lot of trouble.", "user_id": 1, "id": 295, "user": { "id": 1, "name": "jailyn_blanda", "email": "", "userpic": "", "bio": "Biodiesel waistcoat before they sold out wolf chillwave yr.", "followees_count": 1, "followers_count": 4, "chirp_count": 6, "currently_being_followed": false } }, { "body": ..... } ]

Notes: Returns timeline of all chirps the user has created and chirps of the current user's followees. Additionally contains user data from each of those chirps.

Sample Error:

If incorrect api_token or no api_token is provided- { "error": "You need to be logged in to do that." } HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden

Profile route GET /profile(.:format)

Input: [No root key]

Key Value Constraints :api_token *Required field, validates user identity with api_token against database and uses to determine current_user in other transactions

Sample Output: { "id": 1, "name": "jailyn_blanda", "email": "", "userpic": "", "bio": "Biodiesel waistcoat before they sold out wolf chillwave yr.", "followees_count": 1, "followers_count": 4, "chirp_count": 6, "currently_being_followed": false, "chirps": [ { "body": "I have a bad feeling about this.", "user_id": 1, "id": 119 }, { .... } ] }

Notes: Returns only current user's information and their own chirps.

Sample Error:

If incorrect api_token or no api_token is provided- { "error": "You need to be logged in to do that." } HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden

Other user profile show (non current_user) GET /users/:id(.:format)

Input: [No root key]

Key Value Constraints :id Provide a valid user_ID to display that users profile and chirps

Sample Output: { "id": 3, "name": "jeika", "email": "", "userpic": "", "bio": "Loko sartorial small batch blog cliche synth occupy try-hard.", "followees_count": 7, "followers_count": 5, "chirp_count": 2, "currently_being_followed": false, "chirps": [ { "body": "That is why you fail.", "user_id": 3, "id": 124 }, { ..... } ] }

Notes: Does not require an api_token to query a user. If user_id does not exist: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found

Chirp and user database search POST /search/:search(.:format)

Input: [No root key]

Key Value Constraints :search search term as a string that is used to query through user and chirp databases :api_token *Required field, validates user identity with api_token against database and uses to determine current_user in other transactions

Search Input: search=droid&api_token=b7dd53c81359624aed7b

Sample Output: [ { "id": 108, "name": "droid", "email": "", "userpic": null, "bio": null, "followees_count": 0, "followers_count": 0, "chirp_count": 0, "currently_being_followed": false, "chirps": [] }, { "body": "You know, that little droid is going to cause me a lot of trouble.", "user_id": 35, "id": 23, "user": { "id": 35, "name": "lon_boyle", "email": "", "userpic": "", "bio": "Pickled whatever thundercats meggings listicle.", "followees_count": 4, "followers_count": 4, "chirp_count": 3, "currently_being_followed": false } }, { "body": .....



Notes: Will return results from both user database (name, email) and chirps (body) which contain the search string. If no search results, following is returned:

No result: { "result": "no search results" }

Follow user chirps POST /follow/:id(.:format)

Input: [No root key]

Key Value Constraints :id user_id of person that the current user wants to follow :api_token *Required field, validates user identity with api_token against database and uses to determine current_user in other transactions

Sample Output: [ { "id": 4, "name": "arne", "email": "", "userpic": "", "bio": "Fixie brooklyn gluten-free pbr&b knausgaard direct trade franzen kinfolk.", "followees_count": 1, "followers_count": 1, "chirp_count": 5, "currently_being_followed": true, "chirps": [ { "body": "You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious.", "user_id": 4, "id": 28 }, { .... } ] }, { "id": 5, ..... } ]

Notes: Returns list of the current_user's followees as well as any followees' chirps. Must have an api_token to request a follow. Will send an email to the person that is followed to notify them who is following them. No issues if person is already followed. currently_being_followed flag switched to true upon follow (relative to current_user)

Sample Errors:

If incorrect api_token or no api_token is provided- { "error": "You need to be logged in to do that." } HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden

If user_id does not exist: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found

Unfollow user chirps DELETE /unfollow/:id(.:format)

Input: [No root key]

Key Value Constraints :id user_id of person that the current user wants to unfollow :api_token *Required field, validates user identity with api_token against database and uses to determine current_user in other transactions

Sample Output: [ { "id": 4, "name": "arne", "email": "", "userpic": "", "bio": "Fixie brooklyn gluten-free pbr&b knausgaard direct trade franzen kinfolk.", "followees_count": 1, "followers_count": 1, "chirp_count": 5, "currently_being_followed": true, "chirps": [ { "body": "You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious.", "user_id": 4, "id": 28 }, { "body": ..... } ] } ]

Notes: Returns list of the current_user's followees as well as any followees' chirps. Must have an api_token to request a follow. Currently_being_followed flag switched to flase upon unfollow (relative to current_user). No impact if unfollowed user was not being followed by the user prior to unfollow attempt.

Sample Errors:

If incorrect api_token or no api_token is provided- { "error": "You need to be logged in to do that." } HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden

If user_id does not exist: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found

Create new chirp POST /chirps

Input: [No root key]

Key Value Constraints :body body of chirp, can contain up to 170 characters of text :api_token *Required field, validates user identity with api_token against database and uses to determine current_user in other transactions

Sample Input: api_token=cdc58dce053b0c2b083d&body=test%20chirp

Sample Output: { "body": "test chirp", "user_id": 108, "id": 311, "user": { "id": 108, "name": "droid", "email": "", "userpic": null, "bio": null, "followees_count": 1, "followers_count": 0, "chirp_count": 2, "currently_being_followed": false } }

Notes: Sole method of creating chirps, must have an api_token to identify who is making the chirp. Renders new chirp upon creation and shares user information as wel. Will create validation error upon creation attempt of a chirp with :body value >170 characters.

Sample Error: { "body": [ "is too long (maximum is 170 characters)" ] } HTTP/1.1 422 Unprocessable Entity

Delete User DELETE /users/:id(.:format)

Input: [No root key]

Key Value Constraints :id requires user ID of user that will be removed :api_token *Required field, validates user identity with api_token against database and uses to determine current_user in other transactions

No output after deletion, must have api_token of user to be deleted as well. All related chirps will be deleted when after the deletion is processed.

Delete Chirp DELETE /chirps/:id(.:format)

Input: [No root key]

Key Value Constraints :id requires chirp ID of chirp that will be removed :api_token *Required field, validates user identity with api_token against database and uses to determine current_user in other transactions

No output after deletion, must have api_token of user who created the chirp originally.


twitter api clone for front/end back-end collaboration project






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