The reth OP stack
Read the official op-reth docs here:
The snap installs the "op-reth" command line tool and the op-reth-daemon service.
The snap only accepts --datadir paths: "/mnt /media /run/media" or $SNAP_COMMON/datadir (default)
op-reth node \
--chain base \
--rollup.sequencer-http \
--http \
--ws \
--authrpc.port 9551 \
--authrpc.jwtsecret /path/to/jwt.hex
Start by installing reth:
sudo snap install op-reth
(Optionally) Set the snap to not restart after an automatic upgrade. You need to restart the op-reth-daemon yourself if set.
sudo snap set op-reth endure=true
Check and change the configuration of op-reth to your liking:
snap get op-reth
Connect the snap removable-media interface. This allows the snap to access external filsystems/dirs (see: snap interface removable-media)
sudo snap connect op-reth:removable-media
Configure your startup parameters (written to /var/snap/reth/common/service-arguments).
sudo snap set op-reth service-args='node ...'
Start op-reth.
sudo snap start op-reth
Check logs:
sudo snap logs op-reth -f
sudo snap start op-reth