is used to build composer repositories.
We have different repository end-points for different Drupal major version matching the branch name.
branch name => -
branch name => -
branch name => -
branch name => -
- Add this Composer repository to your project's
composer.json file
, then you can require these private packages just like you would with one from Packagist.
"repositories": [{
"type": "composer",
"url": ""
- Recommend way on how users should authenticate with provided JWT token before
composer install
$ composer config --global bearer.<domain> <token>
For example:
$ composer config --global eyJraWQiOiIxWlowN2FMVF9IOGVnc3JSU1VvMmVkc2dzbUtNVTJCRzBhSmZGZFNiWF9VIiwiYWxnIjoiUFMyNTYifQ.eyJpc3MiOiJodHRwczovL2R4cHIuY29tIiwic3ViIjoidXNlci1pZCIsImF1ZCI6Imh0dHBzOi8vcGFja2FnZXMuZHhwci5jb20iLCJzY29wZSI6Ijg6ZHhwci9keHByX2J1aWxkZXI6KiA5OmR4cHIvZHhwcl9idWlsZGVyOioiLCJpYXQiOjE1ODg2MTMwNzB9.YPrGULY4TUm8Ck6CXU1ydG4Lfo9nnJO0ZutPz1c7W5ZB_R99EY4oT3oOsLKf4wVwxJ8Bw03antUM89ORm1qoTd-JMS10uw1loHzIiOwNFhdwCtPiExXJsg84UxRwAhx71XoDG0iKiPdqGSVLxVaRjF-DJQ9aGnDkyPwybfCcQdRt6xy4qZqruJ0A5HSVhxKRPjGUlb3gK2bc_cEdWr0KcSjjh4LSmYrtmZ3UIgW3Af0mQSKfHSyQsLRqkWJRrW6lk5foJZc-wQ48NBhq8FSP9Eg87INwW-Tom8irWKQp86tz4VHjnfgWIyYMjv-epxQ7BVd7Jy1s8L3qbcwz3hUlDQ
Make sure
anddocker compose
is available. -
Generate a ssh key, don't put any passphrase:
$ mkdir .ssh
$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "" -f .ssh/repository_rsa
Copy the public key to your account (or any user account) that has access to the repos defined on the
file. It's a best practice that you should creat a bot account for your organization with read-only access which owns this generated key pair. -
Verify that it works, for example:
$ docker compose run build bash -c "ssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=accept-new -T -ai ~/.ssh/repository_rsa"
Warning: Permanently added ',' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
Hi hoatle! You've successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not provide shell access.
Create the github personal access token (PAT):
Head to to retrieve a token.
Create the
config and then execute:
$ export GH_PAT=<fill_in_the_created_PAT_here>
$ mkdir -p .composer
$ cat <<EOF >.composer/auth.json
"github-oauth": {
"": "$GH_PAT"
- Build it with
docker compose
$ docker compose run --rm build
# you see see the following similar output:
Creating repository_build_1 ... done
Attaching to repository_build_1
build_1 | No explicit requires defined, enabling require-all
build_1 | Scanning packages
build_1 | Selected dxpr/builder (1.4.4)
build_1 | Selected dxpr/builder (dev-master)
build_1 | Selected dxpr/builder (1.4.x-dev)
build_1 | Selected dxpr/theme (dev-master)
build_1 | Creating local downloads in 'web/8/dist'
build_1 | Dumping package 'dxpr/builder' in version '1.4.4'.
build_1 | Skipping 'dxpr/theme dev-master' (is dev)
build_1 | Skipping 'dxpr/builder 1.4.x-dev' (is dev)
build_1 | Skipping 'dxpr/builder dev-master' (is dev)
build_1 | Wrote packages to web/8/include/all$22be02e69b7f25122547f4569f4a2b6599bb50f7.json
build_1 | Writing packages.json
build_1 | Pruning include directories
build_1 | Deleted web/8/include/all$3d577f6a030b0943d0e1427b27eb210308cb5869.json
build_1 | Writing web view
repository_build_1 exited with code 0
- You should see the familiar generated output below:
$ tree web/8
├── dist
│ └── dxpr
│ ├── dxpr_builder
│ │ ├──
│ │ └──
│ └── dxpr_builder_e
│ └──
├── include
│ └── all$e1f2bead53413ec936e3de091918cb0b0e410805.json
├── index.html
└── packages.json
5 directories, 6 files
- To clean up:
$ rm -rf .composer/cache
$ rm -rf web
$ docker compose down -v
You can publish to DigitalOcean Spaces or AWS S3, they should work the same. However, auth system is only possible with AWS S3 + CloudFront + Lambda@Edge
Create an AWS 3 bucket, get the right credentials to update the bucket:
$ export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<fill_yours>
$ export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<fill_yours>
$ export AWS_BUCKET=<fill_yours>
$ rm -rf web # clean up if needed
$ docker compose run --rm build # build if needed
$ docker compose run --rm publish # sync
// TODO(hoatle): add docs
- The recommended way on how users should authenticate with provided JWT token before
composer install
$ composer config --global bearer.<domain> <token>
For example:
$ composer config --global eyJraWQiOiIxWlowN2FMVF9IOGVnc3JSU1VvMmVkc2dzbUtNVTJCRzBhSmZGZFNiWF9VIiwiYWxnIjoiUFMyNTYifQ.eyJpc3MiOiJodHRwczovL2R4cHIuY29tIiwic3ViIjoidXNlci1pZCIsImF1ZCI6Imh0dHBzOi8vcGFja2FnZXMuZHhwci5jb20iLCJzY29wZSI6Ijg6ZHhwci9keHByX2J1aWxkZXI6KiA5OmR4cHIvZHhwcl9idWlsZGVyOioiLCJpYXQiOjE1ODg2MTMwNzB9.YPrGULY4TUm8Ck6CXU1ydG4Lfo9nnJO0ZutPz1c7W5ZB_R99EY4oT3oOsLKf4wVwxJ8Bw03antUM89ORm1qoTd-JMS10uw1loHzIiOwNFhdwCtPiExXJsg84UxRwAhx71XoDG0iKiPdqGSVLxVaRjF-DJQ9aGnDkyPwybfCcQdRt6xy4qZqruJ0A5HSVhxKRPjGUlb3gK2bc_cEdWr0KcSjjh4LSmYrtmZ3UIgW3Af0mQSKfHSyQsLRqkWJRrW6lk5foJZc-wQ48NBhq8FSP9Eg87INwW-Tom8irWKQp86tz4VHjnfgWIyYMjv-epxQ7BVd7Jy1s8L3qbcwz3hUlDQ
- The 2nd possible way on how users could authenticate with provided JWT token when being prompted, they must fill in the username with the provided JWT token and password as "bearer", for example:
Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.
- Installing dxpr/dxpr_builder (1.4.4): Downloading (0%) Authentication required (
Username: eyJraWQiOiIxWlowN2FMVF9IOGVnc3JSU1VvMmVkc2dzbUtNVTJCRzBhSmZGZFNiWF9VIiwiYWxnIjoiUFMyNTYifQ.eyJpc3MiOiJodHRwczovL2R4cHIuY29tIiwic3ViIjoidXNlci1pZCIsImF1ZCI6Imh0dHBzOi8vcGFja2FnZXMuZHhwci5jb20iLCJzY29wZSI6Ijg6ZHhwci9keHByX2J1aWxkZXI6KiA5OmR4cHIvZHhwcl9idWlsZGVyOioiLCJpYXQiOjE1ODg2MTMwNzB9.YPrGULY4TUm8Ck6CXU1ydG4Lfo9nnJO0ZutPz1c7W5ZB_R99EY4oT3oOsLKf4wVwxJ8Bw03antUM89ORm1qoTd-JMS10uw1loHzIiOwNFhdwCtPiExXJsg84UxRwAhx71XoDG0iKiPdqGSVLxVaRjF-DJQ9aGnDkyPwybfCcQdRt6xy4qZqruJ0A5HSVhxKRPjGUlb3gK2bc_cEdWr0KcSjjh4LSmYrtmZ3UIgW3Af0mQSKfHSyQsLRqkWJRrW6lk5foJZc-wQ48NBhq8FSP9Eg87INwW-Tom8irWKQp86tz4VHjnfgWIyYMjv-epxQ7BVd7Jy1s8L3qbcwz3hUlDQ
Downloading (100%)Do you want to store credentials for in /tmp/auth.json ? [Yn] y
The 2nd way is not recommended as the token is visible (see: composer/composer#8888)
You can publish to DigitalOcean Spaces or AWS S3, they should work the same. However, auth system is only possible with AWS S3 + Cloud Front + Lambda@Edge
$ export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<fill_yours>
$ export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<fill_yours>
$ export AWS_BUCKET=<fill_yours>
$ rm -rf web # clean up if needed
$ docker compose run --rm build # build if needed
$ docker compose run --rm publish # sync
$ docker compose run --entrypoint=/bin/sh publish -c "s3cmd setacl s3://$AWS_BUCKET --acl-public --recursive" # set acl if needed