You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 336
can be extended to support a wide range of programs and applications through the use of scripting or colorscheme files it generates. For example: The colors.css
file allows you to use the generated colors in your css
files to update your startpage's colors on the fly.
Another customization example is a custom script I've created called wal-set
[1]. This script uses the exported colors.sh
file to apply the colors to my lemonbar
, dunst
and startpage
. The script is executed using wal
's -o
flag (wal -i img.png -o wal-set
[1] wal-set
- Applications
- Window Managers
- Application Launchers
- Text Editors
- Taskbars
- Terminal Emulators
- Terminal Multiplexer/Workspace
- Notification daemons
- Web Files
- Scripting Files
- Peripheral
- Other Tools
You can use wal_steam
to theme Steam using the colors from wal
You can use either pywal-discord
or wal-discord
to theme Discord using the colors from wal
There is also discord-wal-theme
for a Vencord compatible template file (especially notable for Windows users).
You can use Zathura-Pywal
to theme Zathura using the colors from wal
You can use wal-telegram
to theme Telegram using the colors from wal
Use the following theme file.
- Save the below file as
- Add the following line to your
config.Theme = wal
background = default default
frame = black default
window_title = green default
directory = red default
selected_directory = blue default
playlist = blue default
selected_playlist = magenta default
file = green default
selected_file = black red
marked_file = green default bold
marked_selected_file = cyan default bold
info = cyan default
selected_info = cyan default
marked_info = green default bold
marked_selected_info = cyan default bold
status = magenta default
title = green default
state = magenta default
current_time = magenta default
time_left = cyan default
total_time = cyan default
time_total_frames = magenta default
sound_parameters = cyan default
legend = magenta default
disabled = black default
enabled = yellow default
empty_mixer_bar = green default
filled_mixer_bar = black green
empty_time_bar = green default
filled_time_bar = black green
entry = yellow default
entry_title = red default
error = red default
message = yellow default
plist_time = magenta default
You can use ChromiumPywal
to theme Chrome/Chromium using the colors from wal
You can use pywalfox
to theme Firefox and/or Thunderbird using the colors from wal
To use wal
with i3 you have to make some modifications to your i3 config file.
i3 can read colors from Xresources
into config variables! This allows us to change i3's colors dynamically. On run wal
will detect that you're running i3 and reload your config for you. If you've set it up correctly i3 will then use your new colorscheme.
You can also set the colors of i3status and i3bar. The example below shows how to change the colors of i3status. For more information on i3status/i3bar see https://i3wm.org/docs/userguide.html#_colors
# Set colors from Xresources
# Change 'color7' and 'color2' to whatever colors you want i3 to use
# from the generated scheme.
# NOTE: The '#f0f0f0' in the lines below is the color i3 will use if
# it fails to get colors from Xresources.
set_from_resource $fg i3wm.color7 #f0f0f0
set_from_resource $bg i3wm.color2 #f0f0f0
# class border backgr. text indicator child_border
client.focused $bg $bg $fg $bg $bg
client.focused_inactive $bg $bg $fg $bg $bg
client.unfocused $bg $bg $fg $bg $bg
client.urgent $bg $bg $fg $bg $bg
client.placeholder $bg $bg $fg $bg $bg
client.background $bg
# i3status
bar {
status_command i3status
colors {
background $bg
statusline $fg
separator $fg
# PROTIP: You can also dynamically set dmenu's colors this way:
bindsym $mod+d exec dmenu_run -nb "$fg" -nf "$bg" -sb "$bg" -sf "$fg"
To use wal
with awesome you have to use the Xresources theme.
The Xresources Theme comes with awesomewm pre-installed, and can be found in /usr/share/awesome/themes
directory. It loads colors from Xresources
. This allows us to change awesome's colors dynamically.
Unlike i3, wal does not automatically reload your awesome configuration for you, that you have to do yourself.
wal generates a colors.Xresources file. You have to link it to ~/.Xresources
ln -sf ~/.cache/wal/colors.Xresources ~/.Xresources
Then modify your rc.lua
to use Xresources Theme
Replace this
beautiful.init(gears.filesystem.get_themes_dir() .. "default/theme.lua")
with this
beautiful.init(gears.filesystem.get_themes_dir() .. "xresources/theme.lua")
Now, Reload your configuration using Ctrl-Mod-R
The bspwmrc
file is a shell script which makes using wal
's colors easy!
# source the colors.
. "${HOME}/.cache/wal/colors.sh"
# Set the border colors.
bspc config normal_border_color "$color1"
bspc config active_border_color "$color2"
bspc config focused_border_color "$color15"
# Use the line below if you are on bspwm >= 0.9.4
bspc config presel_feedback_color "$color1"
# Use the line below if you are on bspwm < 0.9.4
#bspc config presel_border_color "$color1"
to config.py add:
colors = []
def load_colors(cache):
with open(cache, 'r') as file:
for i in range(8):
and then use
format to customize colors
after changing wallpaper with wal -i /path/to/image
reload qtile with super+ctrl+r (by default)
to apply colors.
sway can include
arbitrary configuration files. In your .config/sway/config
file, add before any color usage:
include "$HOME/.cache/wal/colors-sway"
And wal
will set your wallpaper ($wallpaper
) and colors ($background
, $foreground
and $color0
through $color15
). To use them:
output <name> background $wallpaper <mode>
client.focused $color0 $background $foreground $color7 $background
See man 5 sway
on how to set wallpapers and colors.
Delete all defined colors in your config.h
Delete the
static const char *colors[]
array. -
In its place, include wal's exported colors via:
#include "/home/<USER>/.cache/wal/colors-wal-dwm.h"
(Replace <USER> with your username.)
NOTE: this #include
must be on the same line as what was previously deleted.
This also assumes you have the "Urgent" color patch for dwm.
You can find the official patch here
If you have not or do not wish to patch dwm, you will need to delete the lines of pywal's exported config which contain "urg". This config is located at .cache/wal/colors-wal-dwm.h
. Note that whenever you restart/reconfigure pywal
, you will need to delete these lines yet again. To solve this problem, we can use a User Template. See the command below.
Perform the following command to stop pywal
from re-generating the default template: cp .cache/wal/colors-wal-dwm.h .config/wal/templates
Q: "I do not have a *colors[] array in my config.h?"
A: 6.1 and older dwm releases do not include the *colors[] array and the colors are named differently than in the wal
output. Please use the current git version of dwm, which can be found at http://git.suckless.org/dwm
Q: "I get error when I try to (re)compile dwm while there is no .cache/wal/colors-wal-dwm.h
(there is no wal
theme set yet)"
A: Just set a theme, after that it will perfectly compile. If you want to be able to compile dwm even when there is no a wal
theme set you can use the following block of code instead:
#define wal "/home/<USER>/.cache/wal/colors-wal-dwm.h"
#if __has_include(wal)
#include wal
static const char col_gray3[] = "#bbbbbb";
static const char col_gray4[] = "#eeeeee";
static const char col_cyan[] = "#005577";
static const char col_urgborder[] = "#ff0000";
static const char *colors[][3] = {
/* fg bg border */
[SchemeNorm] = { col_gray3, col_gray1, col_gray2 },
[SchemeSel] = { col_gray4, col_cyan, col_cyan },
[SchemeUrg] = { col_gray4, col_cyan, col_urgborder },
Add the following lines to your yabai config file (usually in ~/.yabairc
or ~/.config/yabai/yabairc
), creating the file if it doesn't exist already:
source ~/.cache/wal/colors.sh # pywal scheme - update if needed
# yabai template colours
CBACK=$(echo $background | sed 's/#//')
CFORE=$(echo $foreground | sed 's/#//')
CACTV=$(echo $color3 | sed 's/#//')
CNORM=$(echo $color1 | sed 's/#//')
CINSE=$(echo $foreground | sed 's/#//')
yabai -m config status_bar on
yabai -m config status_bar_background_color 0xff$CBACK
yabai -m config status_bar_foreground_color 0xff$CFORE
yabai -m config window_border on
yabai -m config window_border_width 4
yabai -m config active_window_border_color 0xff$CACTV
yabai -m config normal_window_border_color 0xff$CNORM
yabai -m config insert_window_border_color 0xff$CINSE
Restart yabai (brew services restart yabai
if installed through Homebrew) and enjoy the colours.
A simple script that uses osascript to retrieve your wallpaper and run pywal could be:
function pywal {
# generate color scheme from current wallpaper
current_wallpaper="$(osascript -e 'tell app "finder" to get posix path of (get desktop picture as alias)')"
wal -i $current_wallpaper -n
Placing this into your .zshrc
, .bashrc
, or whatever rc file corresponding to your shell, will allow you to simply run pywal
in a terminal and update your colours easily.
Add one of the following lines to your rofi
config file outside of the configuration{...}
block located in ~/.config/rofi/config.rasi
. If the file doesn't exist, you can just create it.
/* Dark theme. */
@import "~/.cache/wal/colors-rofi-dark"
/* Light theme. */
@import "~/.cache/wal/colors-rofi-light"
Defining your own custom theme.
See: https://github.com/dylanaraps/pywal/wiki/User-Template-Files
You can use dmenu
's launch flags to style the colors dynamically.
As an alias in your .bashrc
, .zshrc
# Import the colors.
. "${HOME}/.cache/wal/colors.sh"
# Create the alias.
alias dmen='dmenu_run -nb "$color0" -nf "$color15" -sb "$color1" -sf "$color15"'
As a separate script (dmen.sh
# Import the colors
. "${HOME}/.cache/wal/colors.sh"
dmenu_run -nb "$color0" -nf "$color15" -sb "$color1" -sf "$color15"
Alternatively, you can modify dmenu's config.h file to apply the colors to all dmenu scripts:
- Delete the
static const char *colors[]
array - In its place, include wal's exported colors via:
#include "/home/<USER>/.cache/wal/colors-wal-dmenu.h"
You can use AlfredPywal
to generate pywal theme for Alfred 4
I've created a vim colorscheme for use with with the colors wal
generates and you can install it using any vim package manager. The colorscheme uses your terminal colors so it'll adapt to the colorscheme changes automatically.
Neovim users, make sure to remove set termguicolors
as it messes up the colorscheme.
You can find the colorscheme here: https://github.com/dylanaraps/wal.vim
! Using plug
Plug 'dylanaraps/wal.vim'
colorscheme wal
You have 2 options:
- Install xresources-theme to make Emacs generate a theme using X environment's colors.
- Install ewal, a theme agnostic colorscheme generator that uses
palettes as its input (and adds more shades to them, but only if you want them). It currently completely integrates with spacemacs-theme (more coming soon), so you don't loose out on any detail when changing colorschemes. You can also use its utility functions to configure your current theme to your liking withpywal
Note: There's an ongoing discussion in #43 about making Emacs change colors on the fly.
Follow the instructions on this repository to integrate pywal with intellij idea or any other jetbrains IDE.
Install the Wal Theme extension for Visual Studio Code. It will automatically update your theme whenever pywal generates a new color palette.
Polybar can read colors from Xresources
to set the bar's colors. wal
will also reload your config file for you automatically if it detects that polybar
is running.
background = ${xrdb:color0:#222}
foreground = ${xrdb:color7:#222}
foreground-alt = ${xrdb:color7:#222}
primary = ${xrdb:color1:#222}
secondary = ${xrdb:color2:#222}
alert = ${xrdb:color3:#222}
; ...
background = ${colors.background}
foreground = ${colors.foreground}
; ...
You can use lemonbar
's launch flags to style the colors dynamically. For a real world example you can take a look at my bar script.
In your lemonbar
# Import the colors
. "${HOME}/.cache/wal/colors.sh"
lemonbar -B "$color0" -F "$color8" # Other flags here.
generates a KDE colorscheme that can be imported into Konsole. The file is called colors-konsole.colorscheme
and is located in the cache folder. This colorscheme can be symlinked into the Konsole theme folder using, for example,
ln -s ~/.cache/wal/colors-konsole.colorscheme ~/.local/share/konsole
Although the symlink does not need to be updated after running pywal, a restart (or theme switch) of Konsole is needed to pick up the new color scheme.
Plasma5 (outside Konsole) is not supported by wal
Open your kitty config file, usually ~/.config/kitty/kitty.conf
. Alternatively you can press Ctrl+Shift+F2 from within kitty to open the config in an editor. The colour config for kitty is exported by wal as ~/.cache/wal/colors-kitty.conf
and can be used by placing the following inside your kitty config file.
include ~/.cache/wal/colors-kitty.conf
If you have any existing colour definitions in your config file, make sure to paste the line after all of them or comment them out to avoid overriding the values in colors-kitty.conf
- Remove all color definitions in your
- Remove the
const char *colorname[]
array - Include wal's export colors via:
#include "/home/<USER>/.cache/wal/colors-wal-st.h"
(replace <USER> with your user name)
NOTE: this #include
must be on the same line as what was previously deleted.
NOTE: there is a patch to st which loads a colorscheme from Xresources: https://st.suckless.org/patches/xresources/
NOTE: this #include
would not work with alpha patch.
If you want to make it work with alpha patch, you have to change colors-wal-st.h
such that defaultbg
is set to 257
, defaultfg
is set to 256
. This creates light theme. For dark theme, the color represented by 256
and 257
must be swapped with each other.
also exports the colors so they can be used with PuTTY. After running wal
, a file will be created ($HOME/.cache/wal/colors-putty.reg
) that can be executed on a Windows machine to create a new PuTTY session with the generated colors. Once the file is executed, you can select Wal
from the Saved Sessions list.
You can import wal
's colors into Terminal.sexy by copy-pasting the contents of the colors.Xresources
file located in the cache directory.
On MacOS the colors do not get set in the alacritty
config correctly. Luckily, a generous member of the community created a script to run to get this working. Just follow the instructions in the README. You may have to restart alacritty
for the colors to correctly change.
You can use ZellijPywal to theme Zellij using the colors from wal
See mako wiki page
also exports the colors as CSS variables for use with Stylish or userChrome.css.
Example CSS:
/* Import the CSS file.
Change 'dylan' to your username. */
@import url('file:///home/dylan/.cache/wal/colors.css');
/* Use the variables */
#nav-bar {
background-image: var(--wallpaper);
color: var(--color7) !important;
h1 {
background-color: var(--color3);
also exports the colorscheme as SCSS variables for use in webpages. I'm using this feature to update my startpage with the new colors dynamically.
// Example .scss file
// Import Colors
@import '/home/dylan/.cache/wal/colors.scss';
body {
background: $background;
color: $foreground;
main {
background-image: url($wallpaper);
a {
color: $color4;
Reader View is a Firefox feature that strips away clutter like buttons, ads and background images, and changes the page's text size, contrast and layout for better readability (more information).
You can customize this mode with wal css file:
- type
in the address bar and copy the Profile folder path (should be something like/home/username/.mozilla/firefox/885a2m8x.default
); - go to this directory and create
folder if not created yet; - in this folder, create/edit the file
by adding custom css attributes according to your preferences (see below); - restart Firefox.
Theses classes are added by Firefox on the body
when reader mode is enabled; -
when dark background is selected; -
when light background is selected; -
when sepia background is selected; -
when serif font is selected; -
when sans-serif font is selected.
Use the selectors you want (.body.loaded.dark
, .body.loaded.sans-serif
, ...) or combine them (.body.loaded.dark.sans-serif
, ...) and don't forget to add !important
after each line.
userContent.css example:
@import url('file:///home/your_user_name/.cache/wal/colors.css');
body.loaded.dark {
color: var(--foreground) !important;
background-color: var(--background) !important;
body.loaded.dark h1 {
color: var(--color1) !important;
body.loaded.dark h2, body.loaded.dark h3, body.loaded.dark h4, body.loaded.dark h5, body.loaded.dark h6 {
color: var(--color4) !important;
body.loaded.dark strong {
color: var(--color5) !important;
also exports the colorscheme as a list of shell variables that you can source for use in scripts and the shell.
# Add this line to your .bashrc or a shell script.
. "~/.cache/wal/colors.sh"
In the shell:
# Once the file is sourced you can use the colors like this:
dylan ~ >echo "$background"
dylan ~ >echo "$color0 $color5"
#282A23 #BCC3CE
dylan ~ >echo "$wallpaper"
# lemonbar example
lemonbar -B "$color7" -F "$color0"
In a script:
. "~/.cache/wal/colors.sh"
printf "%s\n" "$color0"
also exports the colors in json
. This is helpful when you want use the colors in another script.
The file is called colors.json
and is located in the cache directory. (~/.cache/wal
). The file contains the wallpaper, hex colors for background
, foreground
and cursor
as well as the colors 0-15
Example colors.json
"wallpaper": "/path/to/img.jpg",
"special": {
"background": "#4A3636",
"foreground": "#F8F8F8",
"cursor": "#F8F8F8"
"colors": {
"color0": "#4A3636",
"color1": "#EDD0B0",
"color2": "#EDB7C8",
"color3": "#E0D4DC",
"color4": "#F4D3D0",
"color5": "#F5E8D6",
"color6": "#F5EDEA",
"color7": "#F8F8F8",
"color8": "#999999",
"color9": "#EDD0B0",
"color10": "#EDB7C8",
"color11": "#E0D4DC",
"color12": "#F4D3D0",
"color13": "#F5E8D6",
"color14": "#F5EDEA",
"color15": "#F8F8F8"
also exports the colors in yml
. This is helpful when you want use the colors in another script.
The file is called colors.yml
and is located in the cache directory. (~/.cache/wal
). The file contains the wallpaper, hex colors for background
, foreground
and cursor
as well as the colors 0-15
Example colors.yml
wallpaper: "/home/dylan/Pictures/Wallpapers/010.jpg"
background: "#2b454c"
foreground: "#D2E2D0"
cursor: "#D2E2D0"
color0: "#2b454c"
color": "#9AA2A7"
color2: "#D4B2AF"
color3: "#C2BFBF"
color4: "#B5CBC9"
color5: "#CFD1CA"
color6: "#F1C9CB"
color7: "#D2E2D0"
color8: "#757575"
color9: "#9AA2A7"
color10: "#D4B2AF"
color11: "#C2BFBF"
color12: "#B5CBC9"
color13: "#CFD1CA"
color14: "#F1C9CB"
color15: "#D2E2D0"
You can use g810-led utility, to change RGB of Logitech G213, G410, G413, G512, G513, G610, G810, G910 and GPRO Keyboards
Basic script for pywal here
For Razer peripherals you can use razer-cli utility
For ROG STRIX and TUF Laptops that have Aura RGB backlight and support asusctl
, you can use wal-asusrog
- Remove all defined colors in your
- In their place, include wal's exported colors via:
#include "/home/<USER>/.cache/wal/colors-wal-tabbed.h"
(Replace <USER> with your username.)
NOTE: this #include
must be on the same line as what was previously deleted.
You can use slickgreeter-pywal
to change lightdm-slick-greeter's theme using the colors from wal
You can use Gnuplot-Pywal
to theme Gnuplot using the colors from wal