This repository provides Repo manifests to setup the Yocto build system for supported Xilinx products.
The Yocto Project allows the creation of custom linux distributions for embedded systems, including Xilinx-based systems. It is a collection of git repositories known as layers each of which provides recipes to build software packages as well as configuration information.
Repo is a tool that enables the management of many git repositories given a single manifest file. Tell repo to fetch a manifest from this repository and it will fetch the git repositories specified in the manifest and, by doing so, setup a Yocto Project build environment for you!
1. Install Repo.
Download the Repo script:
$ curl -k > repo
Make it executable:
$ chmod a+x repo
Move it on to your system path:
$ sudo mv repo /usr/local/bin/
If it is correctly installed, you should see a Usage message when invoked with the help flag.
$ repo --help
2. Initialize a Repo client.
Create an empty directory to hold your working files:
$ XILINX_SOURCES=/path/to/xilinx/sources
$ mkdir -p $XILINX_SOURCES
To use the release branch, type:
$ repo init -u git:// -b rel-v2019.2
A successful initialization will end with a message stating that Repo is initialized in your working directory. Your directory should now contain a .repo directory where repo control files such as the manifest are stored but you should not need to touch this directory.
To learn more about repo, look at
3. Fetch all the repositories:
$ repo sync
Now go turn on the coffee machine as this may take 20 minutes depending on your connection.
To pick up the latest changes for all source repositories, run:
$ repo sync
Sooner or later, you'll want to customize the Repo manifest to point at different repositories and branches or pull in additional meta-layers.
Clone this repository (or fork it on github):
$ git clone git://
Make your changes (and contribute them back if they are generally useful), and then re-initialize your repo client
$ repo init -u <file:///path/to/your/git/repository.git>