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Admin Helpers and Customizations

Dylan Fisher edited this page Nov 3, 2022 · 2 revisions

Sortable table rows

If your model has a position attribute you can enable drag-to-reorder in a Forest table.

<%# views/admin/projects/_table.html.erb %>
<%= content_tag :table, class: 'forest-table table table-striped table-sm', data: { **sortable_table_attributes(records: records, pagy: pagy) } do %>
      <th width="1">Position</th>
    <% records.each do |project| %>
      <%= content_tag :tr, data: { **sortable_row_attributes(type_family_group) } do %>
        <td><%= sortable_table_field records: records, position: project.position %></td>
      <% end %>
    <% end %>