Automatically generate your step definitions from feature files for cypress-cucumber-preprocessor.
Install step-definition-generator
from "Install" in Atom's settings or run:
$ apm install step-definition-generator
- Select a
file - Run the command
Step Definition Generator: generate
- ctrl + shift + h
This will create corresponding step definitions for this feature file in a relative path ./{FileName}/{FileName.js}, containing all the definitions for the steps of this feature.
When the file already exists you'll be prompted to overwrite the current file.
There are several settings you can change, go to preferences->packages->step-definition-generator
to change them.
You can control which method will be generated for each step automatically. cy.pending()
by default.
When using variables in your feature files, they will be added to the step definitions. By default ""
are used to recognise variables, when setting this setting to true it will use ''
Feature: Login user
As a visitor I want to sign in, so I can access the rest of the platform
Scenario: Unsuccessful login attempt
Given I am on the "login" page
When I enter wrong credentials
Then I should see a notification saying wrong credentials
And The password field should be cleared
And I should be on the login page
Scenario: Successful login attempt
Given I am on the "login" page
When I enter correct credentials
Then I should see a notification saying welcome
And I should be on the success page
Generated: Login/Login.js
import { Given, When, Then } from 'cypress-cucumber-preprocessor/steps';
Given('I am on the {a} page', (a) => {
When('I enter wrong credentials', () => {
When('I enter correct credentials', () => {
Then('I should see a notification saying wrong credentials', () => {
Then('The password field should be cleared', () => {
Then('I should be on the login page', () => {
Then('I should see a notification saying welcome', () => {
Then('I should be on the success page', () => {