A Jekyll and Bootstrap based informational website for Farset Labs, a hackerspace and charity located in Belfast, Northern Ireland.
Uses Jekyll which requires Ruby 1.9.3. To setup your ruby environment it is suggested that you use RVM.
- Ruby 1.9.3
- bundler
$ gem install bundler
- jekyll
$ gem install jekyll
A Gemfile is included so you can run $ bundle install
after you install
bundler with $ gem install bundler
All contributions to the website and content should be done through a branch. You should follow the Feature Branch Workflow when contributing.
We have two main branches:
- Represents the live websitedevelop
- Ongoing improvements to the site that are not live yet
Our main working branch is develop
, please branch from here for your changes.
If you do not have access to our repository, please fork us on Github and submit your branch through a pull request.
If you are not a developer, you should raise corrections and content improvements as issues.
Sidebar links are included from _includes/sidebar-links.md
This is a
markdown list which is parsed when the jekyll site is built. To update sidebar
links just edit this file.
You can run the site locally using jekyll serve -w
Once you have pushed your changes (either to our repo or your fork as a contributor) you should open a pull request. Our web team will review it. Please leave at least a brief description of what the changes are, and detail any changes made to layout or the functionality of the website.