idea is to develop algorithm to detect EU pedestrian crossing signs (blue) in images or stream.
python >2.7, opencv >2.*, python-opencv, numpy
- In ubuntu linux
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install libcv2.3 libcv-dev python-numpy python-opencv
prepare file with picture filenames inside with help of command
> ls data/*|grep -i -P (jpg|png)$ > pictures.txt
then run:
> python
please enter text filename with images listed inside to create one you can use something like
ls data/*|grep -i -P (jpg|png)$ > pictures.txt
Usage: [options] pictures.txt
Options: --version show program's version number and exit -h, --help show this help message and exit -d, --debug show debugging window and do not create blob files -v, --verbose show more information in stdout -c CLASSIFIER, --classifier=CLASSIFIER classifier file name. default: haar_classifier.xml -l DEBUG_LEVEL, --debug-level=DEBUG_LEVEL
you can run program in debug mode to see detected objects in image, if you increse level -l 2 you will even see blue blobs detected
with verbosity you can output more info into console
p.s. debug mode is not creating descriptor files next to images
- detect blue blobs in images by converting image to HLS and extracting tresholded blue color
- exclude smaller and bigger blobs by ratio of blob area with image area
- exclude blobs which aspect ratio is more than .49 and less than 1.49
- detect object with haar like features trained on traffic sign (with min neighbours 2)
- check for intersected blobs and haar objects (those are what we interested in)