Detections oil wells in the Bakken oil field based on satellite imagery
For this project, I will be training an image recognition algorithm to recognize if a pixel is part of an oil well. I will be analyzing various types of satellite images to conduct this analysis.
I am still working on this project. So far I have:
- downloaded the relevant satelittle images (the raw images are too big to be in a github repo)
- utilized Rasterio and Shapely analyze the features of the image and crop an area of interest
Still to come I need to:
- Create the training data
- make outline examples of oil wells in polygons using Google Earth
- convert those polygon outlines into a raster image with positive values (1) inside the polygon and zero values outside of the polygon
- write the neural network that will be trained on the training data
- compare the performance of a full-connected neural network with a convolutional neural network in predicting if a given pixel will be part of an oil well.