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Enterprise JSF

The Enterprise JSF project delivers:

  • a PDF document about writing custom JSF components.
  • a JSF component library (requires PrimeFaces).

The demo web application is available at:

The document

The latest version of the Enterprise JSF document is available at:

The following dependencies are required for building the PDF document:

  • make
  • latex
  • PlantUML, and a PLANTUML_JAR environment variable pointing to the corresponding JAR. PlantUML can be downloaded from:

Building this project should be possible on Mac OS, Linux, and FreeBSD.

Compile the PDF document via:

cd doc

All the examples referenced within the document can be found within the examples directory.

We prefer to edit the LaTeX document using TeXstudio. TeXstudio can be downloaded from:

The JSF component library

The Enterprise JSF library provides various JSF components. An overview of all JSF tags is available at:

The library is compatible with the following versions of Primefaces:

  • 12
  • 13
  • 14

The JSF component library is available within the public Maven repository. If you use Maven, refer to the Maven repository via:


Add the JSF component library to your web application WAR project via:


Within you JSF pages, use the following JSF namespace declaration:


Now you are ready to use our components, for example:

<ejsf:outputBoolean value="#{true}"/>

For Jakarta EE 10 runtimes, use the following dependency:


Running the demo web application

We use Apache Maven as build system. Apache Maven can be downloaded from:

You need Java JDK 11 or higher to build this project.

Build the project via:

mvn clean install

We provide two flavors of the demo web application:

  • ejsf-demo targeting Java EE version 8.
  • ejsf-demo-ee10 targeting Jakarta EE version 10.

Java EE 8 demo web application

Running the demo web application requires an application server that supports Java EE version 8. We prefer WildFly as application server. WildFly version 26.1.3.Final is the latest version that still supports Java EE 8. WildFly can be downloaded from:

Start a WildFly version 26.1.3.Final via:

cd wildfly-26.1.3.Final/bin
./ --server-config=standalone-full.xml

Deploy the demo web application via:

cd ejsf-demo
mvn wildfly:deploy

Try out the demo web application via: http://localhost:8080/ejsf-demo/

You can also run the demo web application using an embedded Jetty servlet container. Run the demo web application with Mojarra as JSF implementation via:

cd ejsf-demo
mvn clean jetty:run -Pmojarra

Run the demo web application with MyFaces as JSF implementation via:

cd ejsf-demo
mvn clean jetty:run -Pmyfaces

Run the demo web application on the Open Liberty application server via:

cd ejsf-demo
mvn clean package liberty:run

Run the demo web application on the Payara application server via:

cd ejsf-demo
mvn clean package payara-micro:start -Ppayara

Jakarta EE 10 demo web application

Running the demo web application requires an application server that supports Jakarta EE version 10. We prefer WildFly as application server. WildFly version 33.0.2.Final is the latest version that supports Jakarta EE 10. WildFly can be downloaded from:

Start a WildFly version 33.0.2.Final via:

cd wildfly-33.0.2.Final/bin
./ --server-config=standalone-full.xml

Deploy the demo web application via:

cd ejsf-demo-ee10
mvn wildfly:deploy

Try out the demo web application via: http://localhost:8080/ejsf-demo/

You can also run the demo web application using an embedded Jetty servlet container. Run the demo web application with Mojarra as JSF implementation via:

cd ejsf-demo-ee10
mvn clean jetty:run -Pmojarra

Run the demo web application with MyFaces as JSF implementation via:

cd ejsf-demo-ee10
mvn clean jetty:run -Pmyfaces

Run the demo web application on the Open Liberty application server via:

cd ejsf-demo-ee10
mvn clean package liberty:run

Run the demo web application on the Payara application server via:

cd ejsf-demo-ee10
mvn clean package payara-micro:start -Ppayara

Integration Tests

Run the Selenium based integration tests via:

cd ejsf-tests
mvn clean test -Pintegration-tests


Alternatively, the Java EE application can be compiled and deployed to a WildFly Docker container that is built on the fly (using the Dockerfile-files located in docker/) by entering the following command:


Other useful make targets are:

  • make run-ee10: to deploy the JEE 10 version on a WildFly Docker 27.x container
  • make docker-start-ee8: to start the WildFly Docker 26.x container, with l/p: admin/
  • make docker-start-ee10: to start the WildFly Docker 27.x container, with l/p: admin/
  • make clean: to clean the maven project and to stop the running WildFly Docker container
  • make mrproper: to clean everything and remove the WildFly Docker image(s)
  • make doc-with-docker: uses Docker with all required dependencies installed to generate the enterprise-jsf.pdf file.