This library allows to
- re-fetch Doctrine ORM objects after clear the object manager
- detach all entities attached since a snapshot
To install doctrine-orm-refetch with Composer just run :
$ composer require ecommit/doctrine-orm-refetch
Create the utility ($entityManager
is the Doctrine ORM entity manager):
use Ecommit\DoctrineOrmRefetch\RefetchManager;
$refetchManager = RefetchManager::create($entityManager);
$myObject = $refetchManager->getFetchedObject($myObject);
//or $refetchManager->refreshObject($myObject);
use Ecommit\DoctrineOrmRefetch\RefetchManager;
$refetchManager = RefetchManager::create($entityManager);
$author = $entityManager->getRepository(Author::class)->find(1);
$queryBuilder = $entityManager->getRepository(Book::class)->createQueryBuilder('b');
->andWhere('b.bookId != :bookId')
->setParameter('bookId', 7);
$iterableResult = $queryBuilder->getQuery()->iterate();
$i = 0;
foreach ($iterableResult as $row) {
$book = current($row);
if (!$book->getAuthors()->contains($author)) {
if (0 === $i % 20) {
//$author is managed
//$author is not managed
$author = $refetchManager->getObject($author);
//$author is managed
$collection = $refetchManager->getCollectionFromCriteria($criteria, 'MyClass');
use Doctrine\Common\Collections\Criteria;
use Ecommit\DoctrineOrmRefetch\RefetchManager;
$refetchManager = RefetchManager::create($entityManager);
$ctiteria = Criteria::create()
->andWhere(Criteria::expr()->gt('authorId', 2));
$authors = $refetchManager->getCollectionFromCriteria($ctiteria, Author::class);
$queryBuilder = $entityManager->getRepository(Book::class)->createQueryBuilder('b');
->andWhere('b.bookId != :bookId')
->setParameter('bookId', 9);
$iterableResult = $queryBuilder->getQuery()->iterate();
$i = 0;
foreach ($iterableResult as $row) {
$book = current($row);
foreach ($authors as $author) {
if (!$book->getAuthors()->contains($author)) {
if (0 === $i % 20) {
$authors = $refetchManager->getCollectionFromCriteria($ctiteria, Author::class);
Detach all entities attached since a snapshot (entities attached before the snapshot are kept)
use Ecommit\DoctrineOrmRefetch\SnapshotManager;
$snapshotManager = SnapshotManager::create($entityManager);
$author = $entityManager->getRepository(Author::class)->find(1);
$queryBuilder = $entityManager->getRepository(Book::class)->createQueryBuilder('b');
->andWhere('b.bookId != :bookId')
->setParameter('bookId', 7);
$iterableResult = $queryBuilder->getQuery()->iterate();
$i = 0;
foreach ($iterableResult as $row) {
/** @var Book $book */
$book = current($row);
if (!$book->getAuthors()->contains($author)) {
if (0 === $i % 2) {
// $author and $book are managed
$snapshotManager->clear(); // Detach all entities attached since the snapshot
// Only $author is managed
This librairy is under the MIT license. See the complete license in LICENSE file.