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European Union European Regional Development Fund

GovSSO Session Service

GovSSO Session is a webapp that integrates with the Ory Hydra OIDC server implementation. GovSSO Session provides login , consent and logout flow implementations.


  • Java 17 JDK

Building Dependencies

  1. Follow TARA-GovSSO-Admin/ to build it's Docker image
  2. Follow TARA-GovSSO-ExampleClient/ to build it's Docker image
  3. Build Ory Hydra HSM Docker image
    docker build -f .docker/Dockerfile-hsm -t oryd/hydra:feature-govsso
  4. Generate required resources (TLS certificates, TARA id-token keys, etc.)
    cd ./local
  5. docker compose build

Running GovSSO Session Service Locally and Dependencies in Docker Compose

  1. Add tara.localhost line to hosts file. This is needed only for requests originating from GovSSO-Session when it's running locally (not in Docker Compose) or during tests. It's not needed for web browsers as popular browsers already have built-in support for resolving *.localhost subdomains. NB! Also add given lines to docker-compose.yml gateway configuration with your local ip address.
      - "session:<your-local-ip-address>"
  2. docker compose up
    docker compose stop session
    ./mvnw spring-boot:run

Running All in Docker Compose

  1. Build
    • Either build locally
      ./mvnw spring-boot:build-image
    • Or build in Docker
      docker run --pull always --rm \
                 -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
                 -v "$HOME/.m2:/root/.m2" \
                 -v "$PWD:/usr/src/project" \
                 -w /usr/src/project \
                 --add-host=hydra.localhost: \
                 --add-host=tara.localhost: \
                 --add-host=admin.localhost: \
                 maven:3.9-eclipse-temurin-17 \
                 mvn spring-boot:build-image
      Git Bash users on Windows should add MSYS_NO_PATHCONV=1 in front of the command.
  2. Run
    docker compose up

Clean Ory Hydra database

  1. Run Ory Hydra janitor container which runs Ory Hydra janitor and a custom clean-up script
    docker-compose --profile hydra-janitor up -d

Running With Elastic APM enabled

  1. Run
    docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose-elk.yml up
  2. Open Kibana and explore APM module for metrics and application logs.



SSO Session service configuration

Parameter Mandatory Default value Description, example
govsso.base-url Yes Base URL of the SSO incoming proxy, for example: https://inproxy.localhost:13443/
govsso.session-max-update-interval-minutes Yes Sets how long the authentication should be remembered for in SSO OIDC service. NB! Must be the same as ttl/id_token value in Ory Hydra configuration. NB! Ory Hydra database clean-up functionality will remove session data older than 24 hours, so setting this value over 1440 (24 hours) also requires increasing Hydra database clean-up time limit.
govsso.session-max-duration-hours Yes Sets how long the id token will be considered valid. NB! Ory Hydra database clean-up functionality will remove session data older than 24 hours, so setting this value over 24 also requires increasing Hydra database clean-up time limit.

Integration with Ory Hydra service

Parameter Mandatory Default value Description, example
govsso.hydra.admin-url Yes Point to Ory Hydra Administrative API

TLS configuration for outbound connections

Parameter Mandatory Description, example Yes Location of the truststore containing trusted CA certificates. Yes Truststore password No Truststore type (jks, pkcs12). Defaults to PKCS12 if not specified

Integration with TARA OIDC service

Parameter Mandatory Default value Description, example
govsso.tara.issuer-url Yes TARA OIDC issuer URL where URI ${govsso.tara.issuer-url}/.well-known/openid-configuration returns OIDC well known configuration. Issuer URL must exactly match issuer value published in OIDC configuration.
govsso.tara.client-id Yes TARA client identifier. The client ID is issued by RIA.
govsso.tara.client-secret Yes TARA client password. The client password is issued by RIA.
govsso.tara.connect-timeout-milliseconds No 5000 Maximum period in milliseconds to establish a connection to TARA OIDC endpoints. No 5000 Maximum period in milliseconds to wait for response from TARA OIDC endpoints.
govsso.tara.max-clock-skew-seconds No 10 Maximum allowed clock skew in seconds, when validating identity token.
govsso.tara.metadata-interval No PT24H TARA OIDC well known configuration update interval. The time unit is milliseconds or in ISO-8601 duration format.
govsso.tara.metadata-max-attempts No 1440 Maximum attempts to retry metadata request on error.
govsso.tara.metadata-backoff-delay-milliseconds No 1000 Initial delay time in milliseconds between retries.
govsso.tara.metadata-backoff-max-delay-milliseconds No 60000 Maximum delay time in milliseconds between retries after applying backoff multiplier to initial delay time.
govsso.tara.metadata-backoff-multiplier No 1.1 Multiplier for generating the next delay for backoff.

TLS configuration for outbound connections

Parameter Mandatory Description, example Yes Location of the truststore containing trusted CA certificates. Yes Truststore password No Truststore type (jks, pkcs12). Defaults to PKCS12 if not specified
tara.tls.default-protocol No Default protocol (see the list of supported values). Defaults to TLS if not specified

Security configuration

Parameter Mandatory Default value Description, example No Content security policy. Default value connect-src 'self'; default-src 'none'; font-src 'self'; img-src 'self'; script-src 'self'; style-src 'self'; base-uri 'none'; frame-ancestors 'none'; block-all-mixed-content Yes Login flow cookie signing secret. Minimum length 32. No 3600 Login flow cookie max age in seconds. Minimum value -1. A positive value indicates when the cookie should expire relative to the current time. A value of 0 means the cookie should expire immediately. A negative value results in no "Max-Age" attribute in which case the cookie is removed when the browser is closed. No Comma separated field names to mask when structurally logging objects.

Integration with Admin service

Parameter Mandatory Default value Description, example Yes Point to Admin service host url

TLS configuration for outbound connections

Parameter Mandatory Default value Description, example Yes Location of the truststore containing trusted CA certificates. Yes Truststore password No PKCS12 Truststore type (jks, pkcs12).

Alerts configuration

Parameter Mandatory Default value Description, example
govsso.alerts.enabled No false Enables alerts update service.
govsso.alerts.refresh-alerts-interval-in-milliseconds No 10000 How often alerts are requested from the configured alerts url. Minimum value 1000.
govsso.alerts.static-alert.message-templates[x].message No Static alert message, may contain HTML (non-HTML content must be HTML-escaped).
govsso.alerts.static-alert.message-templates[x].locale No Static alert message locale. Example value: et

Where x denotes index. Example:

govsso.alerts.static-alert.message-templates[0].message=Tegemist on testkeskkonnaga ja autentimiseks vajalik info on <a href="">GovSSO dokumentatsioonis</a>!
govsso.alerts.static-alert.message-templates[1].message=This is a test environment and necessary information for testing is available in <a href="">GovSSO documentation</a>!
govsso.alerts.static-alert.message-templates[2].message=Это тестовая среда, и информация, необходимая для аутентификации, находится в <a href="">документации GovSSO</a>!

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