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Merge pull request #362 from e-picsa/feat/forecasts-server-2
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refactor: forecast api
  • Loading branch information
chrismclarke authored Feb 27, 2025
2 parents 9e82e68 + d2c59d8 commit 3b74488
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Showing 15 changed files with 1,228 additions and 1,045 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ export const ApiMapping = (

// TODO - handle error if filename already exists
const { error: dbError } = await supabaseService.db
.update<IForecastUpdate>({ storage_file: fullPath })
if (dbError) {
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Expand Up @@ -2,9 +2,11 @@ import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common';
import { ChangeDetectionStrategy, Component, computed, effect, signal } from '@angular/core';
import { RouterModule } from '@angular/router';
import { RefreshSpinnerComponent } from '@picsa/components';
import { FunctionResponses } from '@picsa/server-types';
import { IDataTableOptions, PicsaDataTableComponent } from '@picsa/shared/features';
import { PicsaNotificationService } from '@picsa/shared/services/core/notification.service';
import { SupabaseService } from '@picsa/shared/services/core/supabase';
import { FunctionsHttpError } from '@supabase/supabase-js';

import { DashboardMaterialModule } from '../../../../material.module';
import { DeploymentDashboardService } from '../../../deployment/deployment.service';
Expand All @@ -16,6 +18,8 @@ interface IForecastTableRow extends IForecastRow {
file_name: string;

type IForecastDBAPIResponse = { data: FunctionResponses['Dashboard']['forecast-db']; error?: any };

const DISPLAY_COLUMNS: (keyof IForecastTableRow)[] = [
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -61,7 +65,7 @@ export class ClimateForecastPageComponent {
public activeDownloads = signal<Record<string, 'pending' | 'complete'>>({});

private get db() {
return this.supabase.db.table('climate_forecasts');
return this.supabase.db.table('forecasts');

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -116,29 +120,31 @@ export class ClimateForecastPageComponent {
/** Invoke backend function that fetches forecasts from climate api and updates db */
private async refreshAPIData() {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
const { country_code } = this.deploymentService.activeDeployment()!;
const formData = new FormData();
formData.append('country_code', country_code);
formData.append('query_prefix', this.apiQueryPrefix());
const { data, error } = await this.supabase.functions
.invoke('dashboard/climate-forecast-update', {
method: 'POST',
body: formData,
.catch((error) => ({ data: [], error }));
if (error) {
const country_code = this.countryCode() as string;
const query_prefix = this.apiQueryPrefix();

const { data, error } = await this.supabase.functions.invoke<IForecastDBAPIResponse>('dashboard/forecast-db', {
method: 'POST',
body: { country_code, query_prefix },

// Errors thrown from functions in JS client need to wait for message
if (error && error instanceof FunctionsHttpError) {
const errorMessage = await error.context.json();
console.error('refreshAPIData', JSON.parse(errorMessage));
this.notificationService.showErrorNotification('Forecast Update Failed. See console logs for details');
return [];
if (data.length > 0) {
this.forecastData.update((v) => ([] as IForecastTableRow[]).concat(this.toTableData(data), v));
console.log('[Api Data Updated]', data);
return data;
const forecasts = data?.[country_code] || [];

this.forecastData.update((v) => ([] as IForecastTableRow[]).concat(this.toTableData(forecasts), v));
console.log('[Api Data Updated]', { country_code, data, forecasts });

return forecasts;

private toTableData(data: IForecastRow[]): IForecastTableRow[] {
private toTableData(data: IForecastRow[] = []): IForecastTableRow[] {
return data
.map((el) => {
// compute file_name column from storage file path
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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ export type IClimateSummaryRainfallRow = Database['public']['Tables']['climate_s
export type IClimateSummaryRainfallInsert = Database['public']['Tables']['climate_summary_rainfall']['Insert'];

export type IForecastRow = Database['public']['Tables']['climate_forecasts']['Row'];
export type IForecastInsert = Database['public']['Tables']['climate_forecasts']['Insert'];
export type IForecastUpdate = Database['public']['Tables']['climate_forecasts']['Update'];
export type IForecastRow = Database['public']['Tables']['forecasts']['Row'];
export type IForecastInsert = Database['public']['Tables']['forecasts']['Insert'];
export type IForecastUpdate = Database['public']['Tables']['forecasts']['Update'];

export type IStationRow = Database['public']['Tables']['climate_stations']['Row'];
export type IStationInsert = Database['public']['Tables']['climate_stations']['Insert'];
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion apps/picsa-server/project.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
"dependsOn": [],
"outputs": [],
"options": {
"commands": ["npx supabase gen types typescript --local > supabase/types/index.ts"],
"commands": ["npx supabase gen types typescript --local > supabase/types/db.types.ts"],
"cwd": "apps/picsa-server"
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions apps/picsa-server/supabase/functions/_shared/request.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,11 +9,11 @@ export const getFormData = async (req: Request): Promise<Form> => {
return { fields: {}, files: {} };

export const getJsonData = async (req: Request): Promise<Record<string, any>> => {
export const getJsonData = async <T = Record<string, any>>(req: Request): Promise<T> => {
if (req.headers.has('content-type') && req.headers.get('content-type')?.startsWith('application/json')) {
const json = await req.json();
return json;
return json as T;
console.error('Request does not contain json body');
return {};
return {} as T;
20 changes: 18 additions & 2 deletions apps/picsa-server/supabase/functions/_shared/response.ts
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@@ -1,7 +1,23 @@
import { corsHeaders } from './cors.ts';

export function ErrorResponse(msg: string, status = 400) {
return new Response(JSON.stringify({ msg }), {
* Return an erorr response
* Note - if reading from js-client need to await error context body for message
* @example
* ```ts
* const {dat, error} = await invokeFunction(...)
* if (error && error instanceof FunctionsHttpError) {
* const errorMessage = await error.context.json();
* const errorJson = JSON.parse(errorMessage)
* console.error(errorJson)
* }
* ```
export function ErrorResponse(msg: any, status = 400) {
return new Response(JSON.stringify(msg), {
headers: { ...corsHeaders, 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
Expand Down
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@@ -1,53 +1,59 @@
import type { Database } from '../../types/index.ts';
import type {
paths as climateApiPaths,
components as climateApiComponents,
} from '../../../../picsa-apps/dashboard/src/app/modules/climate/types/api.d.ts';
import { getClient } from '../_shared/client.ts';
import { getJsonData } from '../_shared/request.ts';
import { ErrorResponse } from '../_shared/response.ts';
import { JSONResponse } from '../_shared/response.ts';

import type {
} from './types.ts';

* Read the endpoint from env. Note, if running climate api in local docker container update `.env` to:
* ```env
* CLIMATE_API_ENDPOINT=http://host.docker.internal:8000
* ```
const COUNTRY_CODES = ['mw', 'zm'];
export const CLIMATE_API_ENDPOINT = Deno.env.get('CLIMATE_API_ENDPOINT') || '';
export const ALL_COUNTRY_CODES = ['mw', 'zm'];

// Create typed fetch client from open-api definition exported by climate api
import createClient from 'openapi-fetch';
const apiClient = createClient<climateApiPaths>({ baseUrl: CLIMATE_API_ENDPOINT, mode: 'cors' });

type IDBClimateForecast = Database['public']['Tables']['climate_forecasts']['Insert'];
type IApiClimateForecast = climateApiComponents['schemas']['DocumentMetadata'];
export const apiClient = createClient<climateApiPaths>({ baseUrl: CLIMATE_API_ENDPOINT, mode: 'cors' });

* Update
* Update cliamte forecast db rows
export const climateForecastUpdate = async (req: Request) => {
// Validate body formData
export const forecastDB = async (req: Request) => {
// TODO - Improve validators and feedback
let { country_codes = COUNTRY_CODES, query_prefix } = await getJsonData(req);
let { country_code, query_prefix } = await getJsonData(req);

// Retrieve single country if specified, default all
const country_codes = country_code ? [country_code] : ALL_COUNTRY_CODES;

// Default query for documents stored in the current month,
if (!query_prefix) {
query_prefix = new Date().toISOString().replace(/-/, '').substring(0, 6);

const responses = [];
const response: IForecastDBAPIResponse = {};
const errors = [];

for (const country_code of country_codes) {
try {
const data = await getCountryUpdates(country_code, query_prefix);
responses.push({ country_code, data });
response[country_code] = data;
} catch (error) {
responses.push({ country_code, error });
return JSONResponse(responses);
if (errors.length > 0) {
return ErrorResponse(errors);
return JSONResponse(response);

async function getCountryUpdates(country_code: string, query_prefix: string) {
Expand All @@ -65,7 +71,7 @@ async function getCountryUpdates(country_code: string, query_prefix: string) {
// map api forecasts to db format and update db
const updates = mapApiForecastToDb(newForecasts, country_code);
const supabaseClient = getClient();
const { error } = await supabaseClient.from('climate_forecasts').insert(updates);
const { error } = await supabaseClient.from('forecasts').insert(updates);
if (error) {
throw error;
Expand All @@ -88,7 +94,7 @@ async function getDBForecasts(query: { country_code: string; query_prefix: strin
const { country_code, query_prefix } = query;
console.log('db query', query_prefix, country_code);
const { data, error } = await supabaseClient
.like('id', `${query_prefix}%`)
.eq('country_code', country_code)
Expand All @@ -100,7 +106,7 @@ async function getDBForecasts(query: { country_code: string; query_prefix: strin
return data;

function mapApiForecastToDb(apiForecasts: IApiClimateForecast[], country_code: string): IDBClimateForecast[] {
function mapApiForecastToDb(apiForecasts: IApiClimateForecast[], country_code: string): IDBClimateForecastInsert[] {
return => ({
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100 changes: 100 additions & 0 deletions apps/picsa-server/supabase/functions/dashboard/forecast-storage.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
import { getClient } from '../_shared/client.ts';
import { getJsonData } from '../_shared/request.ts';
import { JSONResponse } from '../_shared/response.ts';
import { apiClient } from './forecast-db.ts';
import { IDBClimateForecastRow } from './types.ts';

interface IReqParams {
* Max number of documents to retrieve. As requests are run in parallel smaller number
* reduces server workload. Default 5
limit?: number;

* Handle downloading forecast files from api and populating to supabase storage entry
* Checks DB for any entries without storage files and attempts to update
export const forecastStorage = async (req: Request) => {
// ensure api up and running before sending batched requests
await apiClient.GET('/v1/status/');
const params = await getJsonData<IReqParams>(req);
const res = await new ForecastStorageUpdate().populateStorageFiles(params);
return JSONResponse(res);

class ForecastStorageUpdate {
supabaseClient = getClient();

private get table() {
return this.supabaseClient.from('forecasts');

async populateStorageFiles(params: IReqParams) {
const { limit = 5 } = params;
const pending = await this.listPendingFiles(limit);

const updates: IDBClimateForecastRow[] = [];
const errors: any[] = [];
// TODO - make parallel and allow failure
for (const { country_code, id } of pending) {
const { data, error } = await this.storeForecast(country_code, id);
if (error) {
if (data) {
return { data: updates, error: errors };

/** Check all climate forecast db entries for any that are missing corresponding storage files */
private async listPendingFiles(limit = 5) {
const query ='*').is('storage_file', null).order('id', { ascending: false }).limit(limit);
const { data, error } = await query;
if (error) {
throw error;
return data;

/** Retrieve forecast data from API, store to supabase storage and update DB */
private async storeForecast(
country_code: string,
id: string
): Promise<{ data?: IDBClimateForecastRow; error?: any }> {
const supabaseClient = getClient();
// download from api
const req = apiClient.GET('/v1/documents/{country}/{filepath}', {
params: { path: { country: country_code as any, filepath: id } },
parseAs: 'blob',
const { data: fileData, response: apiResponse, error: apiError } = await req;
if (apiError) {
return { error: apiError };
if (fileData) {
// upload to supabase storage
const contentType = apiResponse.headers.get('content-type') as string;
const { data: uploadData, error: uploadError } = await
.upload(`climate/forecasts/${id}`, fileData, { contentType, upsert: true });
if (uploadError) {
return { error: uploadError };
// update db entry
const { data: updateData, error: updateError } = await this.updateForecastDBStorageEntry(id, uploadData.fullPath);
if (updateError) {
return { error: updateError };
return { data: updateData?.[0] };
return { error: `No filedata found for ${id}` };

private updateForecastDBStorageEntry(id: string, storage_file: string) {
return this.table.update({ storage_file }).eq('id', id).select();
9 changes: 6 additions & 3 deletions apps/picsa-server/supabase/functions/dashboard/index.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,8 @@
// This enables autocomplete, go to definition, etc.

import { serve } from '';
import { climateForecastUpdate } from './climate-forecast-update.ts';
import { forecastStorage } from './forecast-storage.ts';
import { forecastDB } from './forecast-db.ts';
import { corsHeaders } from '../_shared/cors.ts';

serve((req) => {
Expand All @@ -18,8 +19,10 @@ serve((req) => {
const endpoint = req.url.split('/').pop();

switch (endpoint) {
case 'climate-forecast-update':
return climateForecastUpdate(req);
case 'forecast-db':
return forecastDB(req);
case 'forecast-storage':
return forecastStorage(req);

return new Response(`Invalid endpoint: ${endpoint}`, {
Expand Down
16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions apps/picsa-server/supabase/functions/dashboard/types.ts
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@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
import type { Database } from '../../types/db.types.ts';
import type { paths, components } from '../../../../picsa-apps/dashboard/src/app/modules/climate/types/api.d.ts';

export type climateApiPaths = paths;
export type climateApiComponents = components;

export type IDBClimateForecastRow = Database['public']['Tables']['forecasts']['Row'];
export type IDBClimateForecastInsert = Database['public']['Tables']['forecasts']['Insert'];

export type IApiClimateForecast = climateApiComponents['schemas']['DocumentMetadata'];

/********* Api Responses ************/

export type IForecastDBAPIResponse = {
[country_code: string]: IDBClimateForecastInsert[];

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