PackMetric is a lightweight, easy-to-use metric management tool built on top of torchmetrics
. This tool simplifies the process of integrating, updating, and managing metrics, also enabling the separation of evaluation and computation code in your ML projects. PackMetric can be seamlessly intergrated into a lightning project, and it also supports configuration via Hydra, offering a flexible and scalable way to manage metrics throughout the lifecycle of a model.
- DDP Support: Ensures metrics work correctly under distributed training conditions through
. - Seamless Integration with PyTorch Lightning: Adds easily into the PyTorch Lightning workflow as a callback.
- Code Separation: Facilitates the separation of metric evaluation from computation, enhancing code modularity.
- Hydra Configuration: Supports using Hydra for dynamic configuration of metrics and their management.
Install PackMetric via pip with the following command:
pip install packmetric
Using PackMetric in your projects involves constructing a MetricGroup
and then integrating it within your PyTorch Lightning model, either with or without a callback. Here's how to do it:
You can create a MetricGroup
directly in your code by instantiating it with your desired metrics from torchmetrics
import packmetric
from packmetric import MetricGroup, BaseMetricAdapter, BaseMetaMetricAdapter, STAGE_TRAIN, STAGE_VAL, STAGE_TEST
from packmetric.utils.template import MeanMetricAdapter
from torchmetrics import Accuracy, MaxMetric
def custom_metric(x, y, some_parameter):
return x ** 2 + y * some_parameter - 1
# Define your metrics
accuracy = BaseMetricAdapter(name='acc',
metric_init_fn=lambda: Accuracy(task="multiclass", num_classes=4),
input_pos_args=['pred', 'target'],
max_accuracy = BaseMetaMetricAdapter(name='max_acc',
cm = MeanMetricAdapter('cm')
# Create a metric group
metric_group = MetricGroup(input_metrics=[accuracy, max_accuracy, cm])
An example config could be as bellow. For more details, please refer to hydra.
_target_: packmetric.BaseMetricAdapter
name: acc
_target_: torchmetrics.Accuracy
task: "multiclass"
num_classes: 4
_partial_: true
input_pos_args: ["pred", "target"]
stages: ["train", "val"]
_target_: packmetric.BaseMetaMetricAdapter
name: max_acc
_target_: torchmetrics.MaxMetric
_partial_: true
input_pos_args: ["acc"]
_target_: packmetric.utils.template.MeanMetricAdapter
name: cm
from typing import List
import hydra
from omegaconf import DictConfig
from packmetric import MGMetric, MetricGroup
def instantiate_metrics(metric_cfg: DictConfig) -> List[MGMetric]:
"""Instantiates metrics from config."""
metrics: List[MGMetric] = []
if not metric_cfg:
print("Metric config is empty.")
return metrics
if not isinstance(metric_cfg, DictConfig):
raise TypeError("Metric config must be a DictConfig!")
for _, m_conf in metric_cfg.items():
if isinstance(m_conf, DictConfig) and "_target_" in m_conf:
print(f'Instantiating metric "{}"')
return metrics
metric_cfg = ...
metric_group = MetricGroup(instantiate_metrics(metric_cfg))
Once your MetricGroup
is configured, you can integrate it directly into your training loops. Here’s an example of how to use MetricGroup
to track metrics during training:
n_epoch = ...
dataloaders = ...
model = ...
for epoch in range(n_epoch):
for batch in dataloaders['train']:
y_hat = model(batch.x)
step_metrics = metric_group.batch_step(
{'pred': y_hat, 'target': batch.y, 'cm': custom_metric(batch.x, batch.y, batch.some_parameter)},
epoch_metrics = metric_group.epoch_step(STAGE_TRAIN)
from packmetric.utils.lightning import LogMetricsCallback
from pytorch_lightning import Trainer
# Initialize your model and MetricGroup as shown above
# Add the PackMetric callback
metric_callback = LogMetricsCallback(metric_group=metric_group)
# Create a trainer and pass the callback
trainer = Trainer(callbacks=[metric_callback]), train_dataloader)