A Cypress plugin to generate random email, using guerrillamail.com and read its mail box that could be used for automated testing.
Many testing scenarios such as user registration or forgot password, the target web app of the testing sends email for verification or multi factor authentication. Such scenarios limits capability to automated testing as testers requires multiple email addresses and connect to those email inboxes via API or other methods to read its content. To overcome this challenge, an random generated and disposable email address along with a capability to easily access its inbox would be preferrable.
In this plugin, we are using guerrillamail.com to generate email addresses and read its inbox. Please note that there are several disposable emails services available as the following:
- https://www.minuteinbox.com/
- https://temp-mail.org/
- https://tempmailo.com/
- https://tempail.com
- https://mail.tm
- https://temp-mail.io
npm i -D cypress-guerrillamail
# or
yarn add -D cypress-guerrillamail
cypress-guerrillamail requires cypress-wait-until as peer dependencies.
npm i -D cypress-wait-until
# or
yarn add -D cypress-wait-until
extends Cypress cy
import this module in cypress/support/e2e.js
// file: cypress/support/e2e.js
import "cypress-wait-until";
import "cypress-guerrillamail";
To get a random email address in your test script
cy.origin("https://www.guerrillamail.com", function () {
Then you can read email using snippet below in your test script after your site send the email to @randomEmail
cy.origin("https://www.guerrillamail.com", function () {
.then((randomEmail) => {
email: randomEmail,
sender: "<Your test site email sender>",
deleteAfterRead: true,
} /* :GetEmailListParam */
.then((emails /* :EmailData[] */) => {
// process emails here
interface LinkData {
text: string;
href: string;
interface EmailData {
subject: string;
date: string;
textContent: string;
htmlContent: string;
isRead: boolean;
links: LinkData[];
interface GetEmailListParam {
email: string;
sender: string;
deleteAfterRead: boolean;
To make this module work, add experiment option experimentalOriginDependencies
to e2e
section in your cypress.config.js
to get rid of origin error. (see document)
/// file: cypress.config.js
module.exports = defineConfig({
e2e: {
experimentalOriginDependencies: true,
- Submit this as a plugin in Cypress Link