#Built using reference from Andrew NG courses and matlab lessons
This uses a recommender algorithm using AI to generate movie rating for users according to the previous ratings.
After cloning/downloading the repo run: python3 Recommender-System/Recommender/recommend.py
You need to install numpy, scipy and maplotlib packages. Install them from pip.
You can change the initial input user ratings for movies as follows in the recommend.py file: eg. my_ratings[1-1]=4
my_ratings[7-1] = 3
my_ratings[12-1]= 5
my_ratings[54-1] = 4
my_ratings[64-1]= 5
my_ratings[66-1]= 3
my_ratings[69-1] = 5
my_ratings[183-1] = 4
my_ratings[226-1] = 5
my_ratings[355-1]= 5