Find fake followers on Twitter and get rid of 'em!
- There are robots on twitter, which follow many of people, in order to gather data.
- There are accounts that their last tweet belongs to many days ago. In act, they're inactive accounts.
- There are accounts that are protected, But they are following you.
- There are accounts, which their owner hasn't written any tweets.
- There are people that following many other people and they don't really care about what you are tweeting.
This script helps you get rid of such accounts.
It chooses the followers from GROUPIES:the accounts which follows you, but you don't follow them back
You can simply choose one or more class of Fake Followers and choose a method to deal with them. The methods are:
: The user can keep communicating with you, like they have never started following you.Block
: Simply Blocks those accounts.
This script is based on t, the Twitter CLI:
Please read the documents from its github page in above link.
You should have rubygems
and ruby-dev
and build-essential
packages installed on your system in order that the gem
command works correctly.
You should then install t by running:
gem install t
Also you need that the packages dateutils
and bsdmainutils
are installed, for script functionality.
As it is mentioned in the script:
- Make this script accept parameters for each function and method
- Embed an auto-installation script, which could run on the major Linux distros: Debian, CentOS, Arch,...
Happy Blocking! 😉