Browse this course with the online notebook viewer!
If you use docker, build and run the image:
You can build the container
$docker build -t curso-python .
or you can get it from artifactory (TID only):
$docker login dockerhub.hi.inet
# It requests your TID user name and your TID password
$docker pull dockerhub.hi.inet/calba/curso-python
once you have it
$docker run -d --name curso-python -p 8888:8888 curso-python
Start the container (not after first run): After build and start you can simply start or stop your container:
$docker start curso-python
If you are asked by a token to access jupyter notebook:
$docker logs curso-python
And use the url to get access to the notebooks.
You can also run the course locally if you have python already installed (and pip)
$pip install -r requirements.txt