Releases: eamars/RaspberryPi-Pico-Motor-Expansion-Board
OpenTrickler Controller v2.1
OpenTrickler Controller v2.0
OpenTrickler Controller v1.0.2 + PWM Expansion Board
OpenTrickler Controller v1.0.1
v1.0.1: Fix the LCSC part number for on-board DB9 male connector. Note there is no board silkscreen update.
Please follow the README:errata to fix the board if you have the PCBA from LCSC.
OpenTrickler Controller v1.0
What's changed since v1.0rc2:
- Update silkscreen to v1.0.
If you already build v1.0rc or rc2 you don't need to rebuild the board given there is no functional change since.
OpenTrickler Controller v1.0rc2
OpenTrickler Controller v1.0rc
Production file is attached.
There is no functional change from v0.3 to v1.0rc given the v0.3 passes the full functional test.
The v1.0rc focuses on the correction of silkscreen and the minor BOM change to the D-sub connector. The D-sub 9 pin connector is changed from male to female type to mate with A&D FX series data cable.
OpenTrickler Controller v0.3
Production file is attached.
The board is redesigned to address the logic level issues found on v0.2 board. Following are detailed changes:
- CAN feature is removed.
- Added 5v to 3.3V voltage regulator. User can select the 3.3v voltage source between either the Pico board or the external regulator by the 3-- way jumper (JP7)
- Removed the secondary DB9 connector. The user can select between the NULL modem and straight through mode via two sets of 3-way j- umpers (JP5 and JP6).
- Removed the jumper for selecting the PDN/UART pin. Assuming the user will always use 4th pin for single wire UART communication.
- Added missing pull up resistors for I2C periperhal.
- Replaced MAX232 with MAX3232.
- TMC steppers, EEPROM, and MAX3232 is now powered by 3v3 rail.
- Added status LED for VCC, 5V and 3v3 regulator output.
- Added logic level converter for interfacing with Neopixel LED.