Allows building Win32, Win64, OSX, Linux x86_64, ARM64 (aarch64) and Raspberry Pi ESP8266 toolchains in a Docker container.
Builds work for GCC 4.8, 7.2, 9.3, 10.1, and 10.2.
make download
to clone the GCC and libs needed to the repo/ directory. This takes a while, so be patient, but it only is done once (and allows us to switch between GCC versions without redownloading anything in the future).
If you're only compiling natively, you can just clone this repo and run
make GCC={4.8|4.9|5.2|7.2|9.3|10.1|10.2} REL=x.x.x SUBREL=x -jx # I like -j32 on a 16-core server, adjust according to your CPU power
Note that to build a non-linux toolchain, you first need to build a linux chain in the directory. This is because the cross compiler requires a local host executable gcc for the target architecture to build properly.
To build all architectures use the commands
git clone
cd esp-quick-toolchain
docker run --user $(id -u):$(id -g) --rm -v $(pwd):/workdir earlephilhower/gcc-cross bash -c "cd /workdir; make -j32 GCC={4.8|4.9|5.2|7.2|9.3|10.1|10.2} REL=2.5.0 SUBREL=3 all"
To make a draft release of the binaries:
make GCC={4.8|4.9|5.2|7.2|9.3|10.1|10.2} REL=2.5.0 SUBREL=3 upload
You then promote the draft to a pre-release so it becomes visible and can then make a PR against the Arduino core to merge it.
Then to install the libraries and headers into the Arduino core (not including the toolchain exes) just
make GCC={4.8|4.9|5.2|7.2|9.3|10.1|10.2} REL=2.5.0 SUBREL=3 install (INSTALLBRANCH=xxx may be added to apply against a predefined branch other than master)
<in Arduino dir>
git commit -a