There are many popular mobile running applications available these days that let users track their running, walking, or biking routes with GPS (for example WalkJogRun), so we wanted to provide users of these applications with a step-by-step tutorial to taking their GPS data and overlaying it on a slippy Google Map.
###Live Examples
###Tile Server
The approach we took to creating the tile server which will eventually produce the map tiles was to spin up a new small Ubuntu LTS virtual machine using Windows Azure – we chose Azure because of their great BizSpark program for start-ups. After some deliberation, we decided our best technology stack for this project was the PostGIS extension of PostgreSQL, node.js, and Mapnik. node.js and PostgreSQL were easy to get up and running correctly; Mapnik on the other hand was a bit trickier, so we’ll outline the steps.
####Mapnik Installation
We’ve had the best success running the v.2.3x version of mapnik:
[nautilytics]$ sudo apt-get install -y python-software-properties
[nautilytics]$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mapnik/nightly-2.3
[nautilytics]$ sudo apt-get update
[nautilytics]$ sudo apt-get install libmapnik libmapnik-dev mapnik-utils python-mapnik
[nautilytics]$ sudo apt-get install mapnik-input-plugin-postgis
To ensure mapnik installed correctly:
[nautilytics]$ mapnik-config
Usage: mapnik-config [OPTION]
Known values for OPTION are:
-h --help display this help and exit
-v --version version information (MAPNIK_VERSION_STRING)
--version-number version number (MAPNIK_VERSION) (new in 2.2.0)
--git-revision git hash from "git rev-list --max-count=1 HEAD"
--git-describe git decribe output (new in 2.2.0)
--fonts default fonts directory
--input-plugins default input plugins directory
--defines pre-processor defines for Mapnik build (new in 2.2.0)
--prefix Mapnik prefix [default /usr]
--lib-name Mapnik library name
--libs library linking information
--dep-libs library linking information for Mapnik dependencies
--ldflags library paths (-L) information
--includes include paths (-I) for Mapnik headers (new in 2.2.0)
--dep-includes include paths (-I) for Mapnik dependencies (new in 2.2.0)
--cxxflags c++ compiler flags and pre-processor defines (new in 2.2.0)
--cflags all include paths, compiler flags, and pre-processor defines (for back-compatibility)
--cxx c++ compiler used to build mapnik (new in 2.2.0)
--all-flags all compile and link flags (new in 2.2.0)
####Setting up the Backend
We're going to walk through setting up a PostgreSQL/PostGIS database to hold the GPS routes as LineStrings. In our situation, we started with a tab delimited file of encoded polylines, so we'll work from there - but this is easy to do with GPS routes in any sort of format.
Using a short Python script (polyline_to_linestring.py) and specifically the great Shapely Python library for manipulating geometry objects, we were able to transform the encoded polylines into well-known-text (WKT) representations of Spherical Mercator Projection SRID:3857 LineStrings for easy copying into the database.
Once we have transformed the data and written the results to gps_routes_sample_parsed.tab, we can now COPY the tab delimited file into our database.
[nautilytics]$ createdb gps_routes // create a database named gps_routes
[nautilytics]$ psql gps_routes // enter the database
gps_routes=# CREATE EXTENSION POSTGIS; // add PostGIS functionality to our newly created database
gps_routes=# CREATE TABLE gps_routes(id serial); // create a table with a single id column
gps_routes=# SELECT AddGeometryColumn('gps_routes', 'the_web_geom', 3857, 'LINESTRING', 2); // append a Geometry SRID: 3857 column
gps_routes=# COPY gps_routes FROM '/directory/to_tab_delimited_file/gps_routes_sample_parsed.tab';
gps_routes=# CREATE INDEX gps_routes_gix ON gps_routes USING GIST (the_web_geom); // create an index on the_web_geom column
One could stop here and add simplification to the database settings in the node-mapnik script, but for faster drawing on the server side we created a new table with the routes simplified.
gps_routes=# CREATE TABLE gps_routes_simplified AS SELECT id, ST_Simplify(the_web_geom, 16.0) AS the_web_geom FROM gps_routes;
gps_routes=# CREATE INDEX gps_routes_simplified_gix ON gps_routes_simplified USING GIST (the_web_geom);
For the node.js script to serve up the requested tiles, we use the package manager npm to install the node module that contains the bindings from mapnik to node - node-mapnik. This can be tricky, so we'll outline how we've been successful with this installation.
[nautilytics]$ apt-get install automake libtool g++ protobuf-compiler libprotobuf-dev libboost-dev libutempter-dev libncurses5-dev zlib1g-dev libio-pty-perl libssl-dev pkg-config
Once the dependencies are in place with our handy-dandy package.json
file, we can simply run the below code to install all the needed node modules:
[nautilytics]$ cd /directory/to_node_script
[nautilytics]$ npm install
Confirm node-mapnik is installed correctly:
[nautilytics]$ node
> var mapnik = require('mapnik');
> mapnik
{ register_datasources: [Function],
datasources: [Function],
register_fonts: [Function],
fonts: [Function],
fontFiles: [Function],
clearCache: [Function],
gc: [Function],
Map: [Function: Map],
Color: [Function: Color],
{ [Function: Geometry]
Point: 1,
LineString: 2,
Polygon: 3 },
{ node: '0.10.26',
v8: '',
boost: '1.53.0',
boost_number: 105300,
mapnik: '2.3.0',
mapnik_number: 200300,
cairo: '1.12.16' },
{ grid: true,
cairo: true,
jpeg: true },
{ paths:
{ fonts: '/usr/share/fonts/truetype',
input_plugins: '/usr/lib/mapnik/input' } },
version: '0.7.28',
register_system_fonts: [Function] }
> process.exit();
We then created a node script to query the database and return those LineStrings within the bounds of the 256x256 requested tile.
Fortunately, node-mapnik
, express
, and bluebird
make this process quite seamless and asynchronous. We use app.js
as a router that handles all client requests and then
sends those requests to tile_server.js
which serves up the PNG tiles asynchronously back to the client.
var config = require('../config');
var _ = require('lodash');
var Promise = require('bluebird');
var router = require('express').Router();
var mercator = require('./sphericalmercator');
var mapnik = Promise.promisifyAll(require('mapnik'));
function createStyles() {
var s = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>';
s += '<!DOCTYPE Map [';
s += ' ]>';
s += '<Map minimum-version="2.0.0">';
s += '<Style name="line">';
s += ' <Rule>';
s += ' <LineSymbolizer stroke="red" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-opacity=".5"/>';
s += ' </Rule>';
s += '</Style>';
s += '</Map>';
return s;
var createPostGISConnectionDetails = function () {
return _.defaults({
}, config.postGIS);
router.get('/:z/:x/:y', function (req, res) {
var z = req.params.z;
var x = req.params.x;
var y = req.params.y;
// Create a bounding box from the map parameters
var bbox = mercator.xyz_to_envelope(parseInt(x), parseInt(y), parseInt(z), false);
// Create map
var map = new mapnik.Map(256, 256, mercator.proj4);
map.bufferSize = 64; // amount of edging provided for each tile rendered
// Draw layers asynchronously to avoid blocking
map.fromStringAsync(createStyles()).then(function (map) {
map.extent = bbox;
// Initialize static layer
var layer = new mapnik.Layer('tile', mercator.proj4);
layer.datasource = new mapnik.Datasource(new createPostGISConnectionDetails());
layer.styles = ['line'];
return map;
}).then(function (map) {
var im = new mapnik.Image(map.width, map.height);
return map.renderAsync(im);
}).then(function (im) {
return im.encodeAsync('png');
}).then(function (buffer) {
res.set({ 'Content-Type': 'image/png' });
res.send(200, buffer);
}).error(function (error) {
res.json(500, {message: 'error creating image layer'});
module.exports = router;
Run app.js
in the background to see if it is working:
[nautilytics]$ nohup node app.js &
[nautilytics]$ curl localhost:8000/v1/tiles/z/x/y.png
'no x,y,z provided'
One final obstacle we had to navigate was keeping the node script up and running when the servers inevitably rebooted for scheduled system maintenance. We initially tried this with Upstart, an event-based init daemon, and forever, a tool for ensuring that a node script runs continuously, but found that forever didn't play nice with Upstart. We did discover that node on its own integrated very nicely with Upstart.
[nautilytics]$ cd /etc/init
[nautilytics]$ sudo nano gps_app.conf
/* Begin Text of Upstart Script */
start on runlevel [2345]
stop on shutdown
exec sudo -u nobody nodejs /directory/to_node_script/app.js 2>&1 >> /tmp/app.log
end script
/* End Text of Upstart Script */
####Setting up the Frontend
Given the seamless integration between wax and mapnik, the frontend was a breeze to set up.
<script src='http://maps.google.com/maps/api/js?sensor=false' type='text/javascript'>
<script src='wax/dist/wax.g.min.js' type='text/javascript'></script>
<style type="text/css">
html, body {
height: 100%;
overflow: hidden;
#map {
height: 100%;
<div id="map"></div>
var runningTiles = {
tilejson: '2.0.0',
tiles: ['localhost:8000/v1/tiles/{z}/{x}/{y}.png'] // make sure port lines up with port in node
var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map'), {
center: new google.maps.LatLng(42.3133735, -71.0571571), // Boston
zoom: 10,
zoomControlOptions: {
style: google.maps.ZoomControlStyle.SMALL
map.overlayMapTypes.insertAt(0, new wax.g.connector(runningTiles));
####iOS Map Tiles
We’re not going to walk through the intricacies of getting the map tiles working with Google Maps on iOS, but if you’re at that step check out this article on iOS overlay tiles.
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