This repo was developed by Leah Wasser and Max Joseph as a part of the introduction to version control, git and github workshop.
The original activity was developed and taught by Jonah Duckles ( Earth Lab adapted the activity to use 14ers rather than countries to be more specific to Colorado :). Many thanks to Jonah Duckles for developing this activity.
To implement the activity.
- Have the class all FORK the repo.
- Then have them clone the repo locally (if you want them to practice committing and working locally). If you don't have them select one file to edit.
- Edit the file filling in the details about that particular mountain.
- Then commit the changes.
- Push the changes to their fork if that is necessary.
- Submit a pull request to the earthlab repo.
Ideally one or two merge conflicts arise. This can be a learning moment and used as a demonstration of how that works. However to keep things simple, just have them submit a PR vs worrying about syncing...
The original 14er list is here:
- Original list of 14ers:
A shell script was written to create empty markdown files - one for each mountain in the list created from the google doc above. To execute the script, first change the permissions to allow it to execute. Then it should run.
- chmod u+x
- Run bash script
for thing in $(cat mountains.txt);
do cp mountains/${thing}.md;
The markdown template is below generally.