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Upload and download has only minor problems

Past due by over 7 years 75% complete

Upload and Download is working well enough to not be embarrassed to demo all the features. Most people would find the problems with uploading and downloading minor and figure out how to get past them without asking for guidance. For example: Having the "Save Changes" not work after one changes an import filter would not be acceptable while showing the fil…

Upload and Download is working well enough to not be embarrassed to demo all the features. Most people would find the problems with uploading and downloading minor and figure out how to get past them without asking for guidance. For example: Having the "Save Changes" not work after one changes an import filter would not be acceptable while showing the file being parsed as a "MagIC Text File" when it is an Excel file would be a minor problem. Minor problems are labeled "problem 3" and below and will be attached to the "Version 1.0" milestone while problems that prevent this milestone from completing will be labeled "problem 2".

Would like to have this milestone met before going to Iceland on Friday the 28th.
