A winston express logger called churchill
npm install churchill
npm test
var churchill = require('churchill');
Specify a log level
app.use(require('churchill')(winston, 'express'));
Using multiple loggers
var logger = new (winston.Logger).....
app.use(require('churchill').add(logger, 'express').add(logger, 'someOtherLogLevel'));
The first logger will be automatically added to req.logger
This then gives you the facility to use the logger from req like so:
req.logger.log('something in winston');
req.logger.error('Oh noe!');
Churchill will also add a log
method to the request object, which will log to all mounted loggers:
req.log('info', 'something in winston');
req.log('error', 'OH NO!');
To disable this set reqLogger to false in the options.
var logger = new (winston.Logger).....
app.use(require('churchill').add(logger, 'express').format(function (obj, req, res) {
obj.somethingInteresting = req.params.moreData;
Suppressing GET params from logs
var churchill = require('churchill')
churchill.options.logGetParams = false
In it's simplest form a console output looks like this:
info: status=200, method=GET, url=/, response_time=4
info: status=304, method=GET, url=/, response_time=1
info: status=304, method=GET, url=/, response_time=0
To run the examples go into the example dir and npm install
then just node simple
or node multiple
to see them in action.