Tools for managing your Progressive Web App.
- Manage PWA features easily
- Each browser shows a specific helper to help people to install your app.
- Manage Push Notifications easily.
An example is available here:
npm install easy-pwa-js --save
Use it in your modules:
import EasyPwaManager from 'easy-pwa-js/front';
In your service worker:
Add this script on your page:
<script type="module" src=""></script>
Add this script in your service worker:
For beginning, initialize EasyPWA with your configuration.
swPath: '/example/sw.js',
swRegistrationOptions: {scope: '/'},
debug: true,
desktop: true,
If a helper is available for the current browser, EasyPWA emits an event automatically. You have to listen and interact with it.
With this method, EasyPWA shows a standard invite:
window.addEventListener('easy-pwa-helper-available', function(event) {
If you want to create your own invite for a customized style.
Example of your html invite:
<div id="my_custom_invite">
Install my app ?
<button id="invite_accept">yes</button>
<button id="invite_dismiss">no</button>
javascript invite:
window.addEventListener('easy-pwa-helper-available', function(event) {
document.getElementById('invite_accept').addEventListener('click', function() {
document.getElementById('my_custom_invite').display = 'none';
document.getElementById('invite_dismiss').addEventListener('click', function() {
document.getElementById('my_custom_invite').display = 'none';
Always wait EasyPWA is fully initialized before.
window.addEventListener('easy-pwa-ready', function(e) {
EasyPWA.requestPermission().then( function() {
// Permissions is now granted
new Notification('A notification');
A list of configuration elements if available here
var manifest = EasyPWA.getManifest();
console.log('The name is: ';
if (EasyPWA.isAppMode()) {
console.log('Site is open as an app');
if (EasyPWA.isNotificationSupported()) {
console.log('Notification is supported on this browser.');
First, you need to ask permission.
EasyPWA.requestNotificationPermission().then(function() {
console.log('Accepted. You can get a token with Firebase.');
}).catch(function() {
console.log('denied. User must authorize notifications in their bowser settings.');
window.addEventListener('easy-pwa-ready', function(e) {
console.log('I\'m ready!');
window.addEventListener('easy-pwa-helper-available', function(helperAvailableEvent) {
console.log('A helper is available for this browser!');
// OR
In standalone mode, there are not browser elements visible. So, maybe, you would like to show a loader when page is changing.
window.addEventListener('easy-pwa-page-changing', function(e) {
console.log('Show a loader, page is changing!');
When you are offline, the css class "offline" is added on the body tag.
<body class="... offline">
<div class="text-offline">You are offline but you can still access to your favorite website.</div>
.text-offline {
display: none;
.offline .text-offline {
display: block;
- PWACompat is a library that brings the Web App Manifest to non-compliant browsers for better Progressive Web Apps.
Use chrome browser for testing you PWA, there are more available tools:
- Inspect element => Application
- Inspect your service worker: chrome://inspect/#service-workers