This repository builds on top of the PyPSA-Eur framework to run dispatch optimization for weather years from 1960 to 2021, in order to evaluate energy adequacy and CO2 emissions abatement. It makes use of the Snakemake workflow which allows parallel computing.
1. Install dependencies:
- python 3.9.13
- pandas 1.4.3
- numpy 1.23.1
- pypsa 0.20.0
- gurobi 9.5.2
- yaml 0.2.5
- pytz 2022.1
- snakemake-minimal 7.12.0
- matplotlib 3.5.2
2. Download input network files
Download network files from this Zenodo repository containing 62 networks, resulting from a join capacity and dispatch optimization in PyPSA-Eur using this branch together with PyPSA-Eur-Sec in this branch.
3. Specify weather years in config file
In the config file, choose the capacity layouts (design years) that you want to simulate. Similarly, choose the weather years (operational years) used in the simulation. Additional settings concerning the CO2 tax, allowance of capacity expansions, transmission level, etc. are also defined in the config file.
4. Run dispatch optimization
Run dispatch optimization. For instance, to run 5 jobs in parallel, use the snakemake command:
snakemake -j 5