π¬ MovieRama is yet another movie catalog where users can check the movies of the week, search for movies and view details about them. All the information presented in this application is being fetched by MovieDB. So, kudos to them.
This version of Movierama has been developed with no dependencies on third party libraries. Thus, no bundling nor testing is included on that version. It was a great opportunity to learn some new things on JavaScript and also realise how helpful all those fully fledged frameworks are.
On the other hand we have this version. Since React can make things simplier (or notπ€£) for the developer, this version is enriched with more features than the plain one as well as it is easier to maintain and scale. Still I tried to keep the dependencies to bare minimum. The only dependencies used are axios, styled-components and react-hotkeys. This version also contains Unit Testing on most of the components, done by Jest. You can find a live demo of the app here.
Variable Name | Required | Description |
REACT_APP_MOVIEDB_API_KEY | β | The API key that is being used when making requests to MovieDB. |
- π¬ Language selection dropdown
- π¬ Search with filters such as actors, categories, rating
- π¬ Layout selection through Grid, Category based rows, Poster Only
- π¬ Theme Switch between Light, Dark and a super cool Neon
- π¬ Watch Later list
- π¬ Access to TV Series
- π¬ Rework on Movie Modal to fit more information on an easier-to-digest way
- π¬ End to end testing using Cypress