Secure P2P Collaborative Markdown Editor in the Browser using WebRTC and Monaco Editor.
Still in development. For now, you can run it with npm run server
. After opening a window, just share the URL with others to edit the same document.
- Monaco Editor included
- Basic WebRTC functionality based on peerjs
- Syncronize text changes between multiple peers
- Syncronize text selection between multiple peers
- Syncronize cursor between multiple peers
- Update URL when originating peer leaves network.
- 1 node create the doc, another 2 connect to it, the original disconnect. the 2 remaingin must be connected and the url updated;
- Dispose Cursor and Selection when the remote peer disconnects
- Refactor code to decouple the p2p logic so we can easily change with other implementations like WebSockets or Firebase
- Refactor code and write tests
- Change peer to a connection broker based on "filepaths" instead of peerIds