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209 lines (185 loc) · 10.4 KB

File metadata and controls

209 lines (185 loc) · 10.4 KB

Primary Submission Walk-through


Generate an Authenticating JWT

You must have a valid JWT to identifying your service in order to use the Ingest API. A JWT can be created using the HCA-CLI. install with:

$ pip install hca

Once installed authenticate your service by running the command and following the instructions:

$ hca dss login

If you're authenticating a machine with only terminal access, use:

$ hca dss login --remote

Add the JWT to your environment:

$ export DCP_TOKEN=$(python -c 'from hca.dss import DSSClient as c; print(c().get_authenticated_session().token["access_token"])')

The JWT will eventually expire, but a refreshed token can be retrieved using the above command again.

Structure metadata

Metadata submitted to the DCP must adhere to standards described in the metadata-schema project.


  • Query the collection managing submission envelopes, along with all other types of objects
curl -X GET \ \
  • Returns _links.submissionEnvelopes.href -> /submissionEnvelopes

Create Submission Envelope

curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer $DCP_TOKEN \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -d '{}'
  • Returns submission URL in _links.self.href -> $sub_url

Get Submission Envelope for URLs to add metadata

curl -X GET \
  $sub_url \


curl -X GET \
  • Example:
    • Return biomaterials URL: _links.biomaterials.href -> /submissionEnvelopes/{$sub_id}/biomaterials
    • Return processes URL: _links.processes.href -> /submissionEnvelopes/{$sub_id}/processes
    • Return files URL: _links.files.href -> /submissionEnvelopes/{$sub_id}/files
    • Return project URL: _links.projects.href -> /submissionEnvelopes/{$sub_id}/projects
    • Return protocols URL: _links.protocols.href -> /submissionEnvelopes/{$sub_id}/protocols

Add Project to Submission Envelope

curl -X POST \$sub_url/projects \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer $DCP_TOKEN' \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -d '{
    "describedBy" : "",
    "schema_version" : "5.0.1",
    "schema_type" : "project",
    "project_core" : {
      "project_shortname" : "Q4_DEMO-project_PRJNA248302",
      "project_title" : "Q4_DEMO-Single cell RNA-seq of primary human glioblastomas",
      "project_description" : "Q4_DEMO-We report transcriptomes from 430 single glioblastoma cells isolated from 5 individual tumors and 102 single cells from gliomasphere cells lines generated using SMART-seq. In addition, we report population RNA-seq from the five tumors as well as RNA-seq from cell lines derived from 3 tumors (MGH26, MGH28, MGH31) cultured under serum free (GSC) and differentiated (DGC) conditions. This dataset highlights intratumoral heterogeneity with regards to the expression of de novo derived transcriptional modules and established subtype classifiers. Overall design: Operative specimens from five glioblastoma patients (MGH26, MGH28, MGH29, MGH30, MGH31) were acutely dissociated, depleted for CD45+ inflammatory cells and then sorted as single cells (576 samples). Population controls for each tumor were isolated by sorting 2000-10000 cells and processed in parallel (5 population control samples). Single cells from two established cell lines, GBM6 and GBM8, were also sorted as single cells (192 samples). SMART-seq protocol was implemented to generate single cell full length transcriptomes (modified from Shalek, et al Nature 2013) and sequenced using 25 bp paired end reads. Single cell cDNA libraries for MGH30 were resequenced using 100 bp paired end reads to allow for isoform and splice junction reconstruction (96 samples, annotated MGH30L). Cells were also cultured in serum free conditions to generate gliomasphere cell lines for MGH26, MGH28, and MGH31 (GSC) which were then differentiated using 10% serum (DGC). Population RNA-seq was performed on these samples (3 GSC, 3 DGC, 6 total). The initial dataset included 875 RNA-seq libraries (576 single glioblastoma cells, 96 resequenced MGH30L, 192 single gliomasphere cells, 5 tumor population controls, 6 population libraries from GSC and DGC samples). Data was processed as described below using RSEM for quantification of gene expression. 5,948 genes with the highest composite expression either across all single cells combined (average log2(TPM)>4.5) or within a single tumor (average log2(TPM)>6 in at least one tumor) were included. Cells expressing less than 2,000 of these 5,948 genes were excluded. The final processed dataset then included 430 primary single cell glioblastoma transcriptomes, 102 single cell transcriptomes from cell lines(GBM6,GBM8), 5 population controls (1 for each tumor), and 6 population libraries from cell lines derived from the tumors (GSC and DGC for MGH26, MGH28 and MGH31). The final matrix (GBM_data_matrix.txt) therefore contains 5948 rows (genes) quantified in 543 samples (columns). Please note that the samples which are not included in the data processing are indicated in the sample description field.",
      "describedBy" : "",
      "schema_version" : "5.0.0"
  • Returns project URL in _links.self.href -> $project_url

Add Biomaterial to Submission Envelope

curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer $DCP_TOKEN \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -d '{
    "describedBy" : "",
    "schema_version" : "5.0.0",
    "schema_type" : "biomaterial",
    "biomaterial_core" : {
      "biomaterial_id" : "Q4_DEMO-donor_MGH30",
      "biomaterial_name" : "Q4 DEMO donor MGH30",
      "ncbi_taxon_id" : [ 9606 ],
      "describedBy" : "",
      "schema_version" : "5.0.0"
    "genus_species" : [ {
      "describedBy" : "",
      "text" : "Homo sapiens"
    } ],
    "is_living" : true,
    "biological_sex" : "unknown"
  • Returns biomaterial URL in _links.self.href -> $biomaterial_url

Add Process to Submission Envelope

curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer $DCP_TOKEN \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -d '{
    "describedBy" : "",
    "schema_version" : "5.0.0",
    "schema_type" : "process",
    "process_core" : {
      "process_id" : "preparation1",
      "describedBy" : "",
      "schema_version" : "5.0.0"
    "input_nucleic_acid_molecule" : {
      "describedBy" : "",
      "text" : "polyA RNA"
    "library_construction_approach" : "Smart-seq2",
    "end_bias" : "5 prime end bias",
    "strand" : "unstranded",
    "process_type" : {
      "describedBy" : "",
      "text" : "nucleic acid librarly construction process"
  • Returns process URL in _links.self.href -> $process_url

Add Protocol to Submission Envelope

curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer $DCP_TOKEN \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -d '{
    "describedBy" : "",
    "schema_version" : "5.0.0",
    "schema_type" : "process",
    "process_core" : {
      "process_id" : "preparation1",
      "describedBy" : "",
      "schema_version" : "5.0.0"
    "input_nucleic_acid_molecule" : {
      "describedBy" : "",
      "text" : "polyA RNA"
    "library_construction_approach" : "Smart-seq2",
    "end_bias" : "5 prime end bias",
    "strand" : "unstranded",
    "process_type" : {
      "describedBy" : "",
      "text" : "nucleic acid librarly construction process"
  • Returns protocol URL in _links.self.href -> $protocol_url

Add File to Submission Envelope

  • N.B note here that adding a file to a submission envelope looks different to adding other entities. This is due to a uniqueness constraint on file-names within a submission.
curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer $DCP_TOKEN \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -d '{
    "fileName": "R1.fastq.gz",
    "content": {
      "describedBy" : "",
      "schema_version" : "5.0.0",
      "schema_type" : "file",
      "file_core" : {
        "file_name" : "R1.fastq.gz",
        "file_format" : "fastq.gz",
        "describedBy" : "",
        "schema_version" : "5.0.0"
      "read_index" : "read1",
      "lane_index" : 1,
      "read_length" : 187
  • Returns protocol URL in _links.self.href -> $protocol_url

Finally, submit the Submission Envelope

curl -X PUT \ \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer $DCP_TOKEN \
  -H 'content-type: application/json'


This API require limited processing of personal data. For more information, please read our privacy policy.