Core Ingest Service for submitting experimental data to the DCP.
The API exposes a number of REST resources for representing experiment data:
See this document for an overview of how experimental data is structured together.
An example of the process of making a submission is in docs/
./gradlew verify
You will need a mongo database running on localhost with default ports to run the tests
You can run ingest-core on your local system by using the local
Spring profile. You would need to have a local mongodb
and rabbitmq running, which you can run using docker-compose.
./gradlew bootRun
You could populate the local DB with prod data using the following script:
mkdir -p ~/dev/ait/data/mongodb/
cd ~/dev/ait/data/mongodb/
latest_backup=$(aws s3 ls s3://ingest-db-backup/prod/ | awk '{print $4}' | sort | tail -n 1)
aws s3 cp "s3://ingest-db-backup/prod/${latest_backup}" ${latest_backup}
tar -xzvf $latest_backup
backup_dir=$(echo "$latest_backup" | sed "s/\.tar\.gz//g")
mongorestore --drop "./data/db/dump/${backup_dir}"
mkdir -p ~/dev/ait/data/mongodb/
cd ~/dev/ait/data/mongodb/
latest_backup=$(aws s3 ls s3://ingest-db-backup/prod/ | awk '{print $4}' | sort | tail -n 1)
aws s3 cp "s3://ingest-db-backup/prod/${latest_backup}" ${latest_backup}
docker cp $latest_backup $mongo_container_name:/$latest_backup
docker exec -i $mongo_container_name tar -xzvf $latest_backup
backup_dir=$(echo "$latest_backup" | sed "s/\.tar\.gz//g")
docker exec -i $mongo_container_name /usr/bin/mongorestore /data/db/dump/$backup_dir --drop
Usage of the Ingest Core API require limited processing of personal data. For more information, please read our Privacy Policy.