Tools for Reading and Writing ISO/OGC Geographic Metadata
provides facilities to manipulate geographic metadata defined with OGC/ISO 19115 and 19139 (XML) standards, including an API to create in R representations of geographic metadata, as defined in the above standards, and write it to XML, or even to read an XML metadata into R.
Please check the online documentation for more details!
Many thanks to the following organizations that have provided fundings for strenghtening the geometa
The R Consortium funded two grants:
- 2018: Strenghtening of R in support of spatial data infrastructures management - geometa and ows4R R packages
- 2024: ISO 19115-3 standard implementation in geometa R package
For geometa sponsoring/funding new developments, enhancements, support requests, please contact me by e-mail
We thank in advance people that use geometa
for citing it in their work / publication(s). For this, please use the citation provided at this link