A Ruby wrapper for the Cumulus API.
You should access the Cumulus API documentation in order to learn more about the request/response parameters for each endpoint.
$ gem install cumulus_ruby
Or if you are using Bundler, add
gem 'cumulus_ruby'
## API Usage Examples
You will need to get an access token. Once you have it, initialize the client
to make authenticated calls.
require 'cumulus'
client = Cumulus::Client.new(token: '<redacted>', url: '<redacted>')
### Patients
Create a patient.
attributes = { first_name: 'John', middle_name: 'Doe', curp: 'JDOE' }
patient = Cumulus::Patient.new(client, attributes)
# or
patient = Patient.new(client)
Update a patient.
patient.update(first_name: 'Mike')
Fetch a patient.
patient = Cumulus::Patient.fetch(client, patient.curp)
Search patient info.
patient.search(other_patient.curp, { query: 'foo' })
### P*mex
pmx = Cumulus::Pmx.new(client)
Fetch Pemex companies
Fetch Pemex employees
'numeroEmpresa' => '123',
'numeroEmpleado' => '123'
Fetch Pemex entitled
'numeroEmpresa' => '123',
'numeroEmpleado' => '123',
'codigoDerechoHabiente' => '0'
Fetch patient by Pemex
'numeroEmpresa' => '123',
'numeroEmpleado' => '123',
'codigoDerechoHabiente' => '0'
Fetch patient by CURP
Link patient to Pemex
pmx.link_patient('AMED123123', {
'numeroEmpresa' => '123',
'numeroEmpleado' => '124',
'codigoDerechoHabiente' => '0',
'localidad' => 'Localidad 01',
'derechoHabiente' => false
## License
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).