A naive CI implementation made in django.
sudo pip install pipenv
sudo pipenv install --two
pipenv shell
- Config database and setup
psql# CREATE DATABASE databasename OWNER name;
pipenv run manage.py migrate
- Run the app with honcho
pipenv run honcho start
NOTE: This version requires that you SSH into the server and install the dependencies needed for your projects to run.
NOTE: You also need to clone the repos before running tests
./manage.py shell
>>> from webhooks import repos
>>> repos.install('GIT_URL_FOR_REPO')
Before starting, create an admin user
./manage.py createsuperuser
Once the server is running, enter localhost:8000/admin/
, and configure your
repos and pipelines.
- Setup pipeline commands using a yaml syntax, for example:
- npm install
- bower install
- ember test
- ember deploy
After that, enter your repo settings in github and add a webhook pointing to
And thats it!