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A simple gem to help you build your beta_invite page up and running in no time

##Table of Contents

For version >= 1.0.0


  • Quick and easy setup of Beta Invite engine and its functionality
  • Random Token stored and generated with each invite
  • Customize and modify all the views and email templates
  • Send emails as notification when someone requests for an invite to the admins
  • Send Thank you emails which can easily be customized by the developer in future.



gem install beta_invite

or with the use of Bundler, you can just write beta_invite in your Gemfile and run bundle command in your CLI.

Installing from the source:

gem 'beta_invite', :github => 'git://'

If you are living on the edge with beta_invite gem, then you should refer this




The beta_invite gem has a beta_invite installer. First step to setup is to run the install generator

rails g beta_invite:install

This would create an initializer named beta_invite.rb


###Migrations The setup is very primary as of now. Once installed, you will need to copy the migrations by running this command

rake beta_invite:install:migrations

Run the migrations

rake db:migrate

The above migrations would create a beta_invites table in your app


###Mount Now mount the BetaInvite engine by going into your routes.rb file and adding the below line

mount BetaInvite::Engine, at: '/'

##Where are the invites ?

Well, you can fire up your rails console and you will see that all the tables are under BetaInvite::BetaInvite

This should fetch you all the records




for version >= 0.1.1

You can generate the views that the gem has into your rails app by this below command

rails generate beta_invite:views

You may wanna upgrade your gem at this point in time

gem update beta_invite

Obviously, you can mount it to any route.

You may wanna restart your server


###Roadmap ###Changelogs


1. Fork it
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Added some feature'`)
4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
5. Create new Pull Request

Thank you !


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Build your beta_invite system in no time







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