This is the GitHub repository for the example used in the Reproducibility with R Markdown in RStudio workshop. Our example uses an adapted version of the data paper: Nitsch, F. J., Sellitto, M., & Kalenscher, T. (2021). The effects of acute and chronic stress on choice consistency. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 131, 105289. The data paper along with its underlying data publicly available at: were adapted and used for educational purposes with authors' permission.
This directory contains the data and analysis scripts required to computationally reproduce the results and plots reported in "Nitsch, Sellitto & Kalenscher (2021). The effects of acute and chronic stress on choice consistency." Psychoneuroendocrinology.
All provided code is written R (R version 4.0.0 (2020-04-24) -- "Arbor Day). It requires the following packages to run analysis code:
- tidyverse 1.3.0
- stringi 1.4.6
- BayesFactor 0.9.12-4.2.
- patchwork 1.0.0
And the additional packages to render the R Markdown (.rmd) paper:
- bookdown
- tidyverse
- knitr
- rticles
- rprojroot
The structure of the directory is:
- RStudio Project File
- code #Contains all runnable R script files
- data #Contains raw data
- foodchoice_data #Contains raw data from food choice task
- output #Contain all generated output
- data #Contains preprocessed data
- plots #Contains all plots
- paper
- source # R Markdown paper file
- output # paper outputs
- bin #Contains additional code for proper paper formatting (csl)
- NitschEtAl2021.Rproj # R project file
To repeat the analyses,
- Open the RStudio Project file.
- Open and run analyses scripts (in order)
Note: data/foodchoice_budgetlines.csv is not required to run analysis scripts but is for information only.
Graphic output is saved to output/plots Data output is saved to output/data Analysis results are saved in environment / printed to console Paper output is saved to paper/output paper/bin contains external files/code necessary for the proper formatting of the R Markdown paper output.
Please see for instructions on how to cite this workshop.
Please see for instructions on how to re-use this material.
PS: For questions please email ucsbcarpentry (@)