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ECHMETCoreLibs is a set of libraries that implements various computation methods to calculate chemical concentration equilibria in systems of general electrolytes. The result of the implemented calculations is primarily intended to serve as the base input for mathematical models of electromigration in capillary electrophoresis experimental setup.


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ECHMETCoreLibs is a set of libraries that implements various computation methods to calculate chemical concentration equilibria in systems of general electrolytes. The result of the implemented calculations is primarily intended to serve as the base input for mathematical models of electromigration in capillary electrophoresis experimental setup.

ECHMETCoreLibs include a powerful equilibria solver that can solve concentration equilibria in systems containing arbitrary amount of general ampholytes. Additionaly, the solver can account for non-trivial complex-forming equilibira between arbitrary constituents in a system. The complex-forming equilibria model is based on the needs of affinity capillary electrophoresis (ACE) simulations and has limitations as to which components of a chemical system can form complexes. The limitations of the model are discussed further. (TODO)

The ECHMETCoreLibs project is divided into four separate libraries.


Library with base components that are used by the rest of the libraries. This library also provides all physical constants and basic conversion functions.


Task of libSysComp is to convert a chemical system description form the user to internal representation that is used for subsequent calculations. libSysComp also does all sanity checks of the input data.


libCAES implements the actual Complex-forming and Acidobazic Equilibria Solver. It also provides conveniece functions to calculate numerical derivatives of individual ionic concentrations.


This library implements calculations of certain ionic properties and non-ideality corrections. These corrections include Onsager-Fuoss correction of ionic mobilities and rudimentary correction for viscosity effects.

It shall be noted that these libraries are intended to be built and used together. Building the libraries individually or mixing libraries from different builds is untested and highly discouraged.


Prior to building ECHMETCoreLibs make sure that you have all the necessary dependencies installed. ECHMETCoreLibs depend on the following tools and libraries:


In order to configure the project, proceed as follows

  1. cd into the project's source directory
  2. create a build directory (mkdir build) and cd into it
  3. run cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
  4. run make && make install

Custom install path can be set with -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<path> parameter.

If you do not have a system-wide installation of the Eigen library, you may specify a custom path with additional -DEIGEN_INCLUDE_DIR=<path> CMake parameter.

Similarly, if you do not have a system-wide installation of the GMP and MPFR libraries, you may specify custom paths with the following sequence of parameters: -DMANUAL_HIPREC_LIBS_PATH=ON -DLIBGMP_DIR=<path_to_GMP_installation> -DLIBMPFR_DIR=<path_to_MPFR_installation>.


CMake can be used to configure the project for building. MinGW and MSVC 2015 can be used to build the project on Windows for both x86 and x86_64 architectures. LIBGMP_DIR and LIBMPFR_DIR must be set to point to GMP and MPFR libraries installations. These libraries must be obtained separately. Once the project files are generated, ECHMETCoreLibs can be built following a standard procedure for your compiler of choice.


As of MPFR 4.1.0 a newly introduced mpfr_srcptr macro conflicts with a function of the same name used by the MPReal wrapper library. ECHMETCoreLibs ships an updated MPReal code which fixes the issue. Unfortunately, the fix causes issues with the MPReal module used by Eigen. In order to make Eigen buildable with patched MPReal, all occurrences of mpfr_srcptr must be replaced with mpfr_xsrcptr in unsupported\Eigen\MPRealSupport file in Eigen codebase.

See this GitHub issue for more details.


There is a sample reference tool included in the testing directory that demonstrates the intended use of the libraries and their API. The tool takes input from a JSON file. JSON files with some sample chemical systems can be found in testing\testdata directory. You may need to update the shell scripts in the testing directory to get the reference tool to build and run properly.

Unfortunately, there is no further documentation for the reference tool available at the moment. We suggest that you read the code in ref_tool.cpp to figure out how it works.


The ECHMETCoreLibs project is distributed under the terms of The GNU General Public License v3 (GNU GPLv3). See the enclosed LICENSE file for details.

As permitted by section 7. Additional Terms of The GNU GPLv3 license, the authors require that any derivative work based on ECHMETCoreLibs clearly refers to the origin of the software and its authors. Such reference must include the address of this source code repository ( and names of all authors and their affiliation stated in section Authors of this README file.


Michal Malý
Pavel Dubský

Group of Electromigration and Chromatographic Methods (

Department of Physical and Macromolecular Chemistry
Faculty of Science, Charles University, Czech Republic


ECHMETCoreLibs is a set of libraries that implements various computation methods to calculate chemical concentration equilibria in systems of general electrolytes. The result of the implemented calculations is primarily intended to serve as the base input for mathematical models of electromigration in capillary electrophoresis experimental setup.







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