ECHMET Data Import Infrastructure (EDII) is a pluginable framework for import of chromatographic and electrophoretic experimental data from various sources. It is designed to run as a separate background service. Communication with other software is accomplished via IPC interfaces. Pluginable architecture allows for easy addition of support for new data formats. Individual plugins may use Qt5 toolkit to provide GUI interface.
EDII is shipped with the following plugins that allow import of the following data formats
- Agilent (HP) ChemStation / OpenLab
- ASC text file (Beckman-Coulter 32Karat, EZChrom)
- Comma separated values (CSV)
- NetCDF (currently tested only with 32Karat output)
- 32Karat, EZChrom native .dat files
- Local TCP socket (everywhere)
- D-Bus (Linux)
EDII depends on the following toolkits and libraries in order to be built and run
EDII relies on the CMake build system to generate appropriate make or project files.
- Whether to build ASCSupport plugin, defaults toON
- Whether to build CSVSupport plugin, defaults toON
- Whether to build HPCSSupport plugin, defaults toON
- Whether to build NetCDFSupport plugin, defaults toON
- Whether to build EZChromSupport plugin, defaults toON
Path to ICU installation, if an ICU installation is not available in system-wide directories
Path to libHPCS installation if not available in system-wide directories
Path to NetCDF installation if not available in system-wide directories
Path to EZFish installation if not available in system-wide directories
to the directory with EDII sources and run the following sequence of commands
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
Use CMake-gui
tool to set up the project and generate project files for your compiler of choice. Keep in mind that since Qt5 exports C++ objects, EDII must be built with the same compiler that was used to build your Qt5 toolkit. Refer to the Linux/UNIX section of this README for details how to set up paths for the required dependencies.
See EDII\include\plugins
directory for header files describing the API that an EDII plugin shall expose. Keep in mind that since EDII is a C++/Qt-based project, the plugin must be built by the same compiler and linked against the same libraries as EDII itself.
ECHMET Data Import Infrastructure is distributed under the terms of The Lesser GNU General Public License v3 (GNU LGPLv3).
Michal Malý
Group of Electromigration and Chromatographic Methods (
Department of Physical and Macromolecular Chemistry Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic