Eclipse Che 7.52.0
Major Enhancements
Allow to set environment variables into Eclipse Che core components using CheCluster
An admin can now specify arbitrary environment variables that will be applied to the containers of the core components of Eclipse Che. Those environment variables can be specified in the CheCluster
Custom Resource.
Major Bug Fixes
User is not redirected to the IDE even if the workspace has started successfully
Sometimes the dashboard was not redirecting the user to the IDE.
Che Operator sometimes deploys DevWorkspace Operator even if it is present in the cluster
On OpenShift the DevWorkspace Operator is managed by OLM as a Eclipse Che dependency. As a consequence Eclipse Che Operator should not manage the DevWorkspace Operator when it's installed on OpenShift. But that was not the case and it has been fixed.
Use namespace API instead of project API to set nodeSelector and podTolerations annotations
Use namespace API instead of project API to set nodeSelector and podTolerations annotations