Releases: eclipse-ee4j/grizzly
Releases Β· eclipse-ee4j/grizzly
What's Changed
- Fixes #2192 - Grizzly 2.4.4/4.0.0 missing Content-Type in response by @mnriem in #2195
- src: remove unintended deprecation annotation by @kofemann in #2197
- Fixes #2198 - Adjust module-info by @mnriem in #2199
- Update main branch with stray commits from other branches by @arjantijms in #2202
Full Changelog: 4.0.1-RELEASE...4.0.2-RELEASE
What's Changed
- Fixed BOM version by @dmatej in #2150
- Merge 3.0.1 branch to master by @arjantijms in #2149
- Removed deprecated usages of getPeerCertificateChain by @dmatej in #2151
- Fixed JDK compatibility with JDK11 by @dmatej in #2154
- #2153 Started development of Grizzly 4 by @dmatej in #2155
- Implemented #2153 - Upgraded to Servlet 6 by @dmatej in #2156
- Setup GH Workflow for PRs by @pzygielo in #2159
- Fixed NPE in toString by @dmatej in #2162
- Do not leave temporary files after test by @pzygielo in #2160
- Remove travis-ci configuration by @pzygielo in #2161
- Fix #2146 Content-Language Header is not added to http2 response by @11rx4f in #2147
- Attempt to stabilize TCPNIOTransportTest by @dmatej in #2166
- Strict RFC6265 cookie handling and Servlet 6 attributes support by @arjantijms in #2164
- Fixed default httpOnly value - should be true by @dmatej in #2168
- introduce FileChunk interface to transfer file chunks by @kofemann in #2169
- Configure surefire to rerun failing tests by @pzygielo in #2172
- Remove unused elements by @pzygielo in #2170
- Finer configuration of GZIP Compression by @JamesHillyard in #2143
- drop check on java version by @kofemann in #2141
- Fixes #2122 - Manifests should contain automatic module names by @mnriem in #2184
- utils: remove unused version of ThreadLocalRandom by @kofemann in #2178
- ssl: introduce SSLEngineConfigurator#setSSLParameters by @kofemann in #2054
- src: drop NullaryFunction in favor or java.util.Supplier by @kofemann in #2179
- [SECURITY] Fix Temporary File Information Disclosure Vulnerability
by @JLLeitschuh in #2177 - SpotBugs analysis: Holder.toString() may return null #2182 by @mnriem in #2186
- Next version is 4.0.1 by @arjantijms in #2188
- Update versions in poms and adjust pom where needed for that by @arjantijms in #2189
- Create empty SSL parameters in protected ctor by @arjantijms in #2190
- Fix generation of javadoc by @arjantijms in #2191
New Contributors
- @11rx4f made their first contribution in #2147
- @JamesHillyard made their first contribution in #2143
- @JLLeitschuh made their first contribution in #2177
Full Changelog: 3.0.1-RELEASE...4.0.1-RELEASE
JDK 11 / Jakarta EE 10 (Servlet 6) compatible version.
What's Changed
- Fixed BOM version by @dmatej in #2150
- Merge 3.0.1 branch to master by @arjantijms in #2149
- Removed deprecated usages of getPeerCertificateChain by @dmatej in #2151
- Fixed JDK compatibility with JDK11 by @dmatej in #2154
- #2153 Started development of Grizzly 4 by @dmatej in #2155
- Implemented #2153 - Upgraded to Servlet 6 by @dmatej in #2156
- Setup GH Workflow for PRs by @pzygielo in #2159
- Fixed NPE in toString by @dmatej in #2162
- Do not leave temporary files after test by @pzygielo in #2160
- Remove travis-ci configuration by @pzygielo in #2161
- Fix #2146 Content-Language Header is not added to http2 response by @11rx4f in #2147
- Attempt to stabilize TCPNIOTransportTest by @dmatej in #2166
- Strict RFC6265 cookie handling and Servlet 6 attributes support by @arjantijms in #2164
- Fixed default httpOnly value - should be true by @dmatej in #2168
- introduce FileChunk interface to transfer file chunks by @kofemann in #2169
- Configure surefire to rerun failing tests by @pzygielo in #2172
- Remove unused elements by @pzygielo in #2170
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 3.0.1-RELEASE...4.0.0-RELEASE