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Eclipse Model Server build-status-server

For more information, please visit the Website. If you have questions, contact us on our discussions page and have a look at our communication and support options.


The following libraries/frameworks need to be installed on your system:

Version Remark
Java >= 11 We support the two latest LTS versions (11 and 17)
Maven >=3.8.6

Remark: There are build errors with the Maven version 3.8.5, which causes a build error for the p2 build.


To build the model server as standalone JAR and execute all component tests execute the following maven goal in the root directory:

mvn clean install

Maven Repositories build-status-server

P2 Update Sites build-status-server

Code Coverage

The latest code coverage can be found here: org.eclipse.emfcloud.modelserver.codecoverage/jacoco/index.html.

The code coverage report is generated with JaCoCo and is integrated in the Maven build. In the package com.eclipsesource.modelserver.codecoverage all code coverages are aggregated into one report.

When executing the Maven build locally, the detailed results are computed and can be investigated in more detail.


Execute from IDE

To run the example model server within an IDE, run the main method of as a Java Application, located in the module org.eclipse.emfcloud.modelserver.example.

Execute Standalone JAR

To run the model server standalone JAR, run this command in your terminal:

cd  examples/org.eclipse.emfcloud.modelserver.example/target/
java -jar org.eclipse.emfcloud.modelserver.example-X.X.X-SNAPSHOT-standalone.jar


usage: java -jar org.eclipse.emfcloud.modelserver.example-X.X.X-SNAPSHOT-standalone.jar
       [-e] [-h] [-l <arg>] [-p <arg>] [-r <arg>] [-u <arg>]

 -e,--enableDevLogging    Enable Javalin dev logging (extensive request/response logging
                           meant for development)
 -h,--help                Display usage information about ModelServer
 -l,--logConfig <arg>     Set path to Log4j configuration file (*.xml)
 -p,--port <arg>          Set server port, otherwise a default port is used
 -r,--root <arg>          Set workspace root
 -u,--uiSchemaUri <arg>   Set UI schema folder uri


The default logging configuration for the ExampleServerLauncher is console output and the LogLevel is set to INFO.

To set the path to a custom configuration configuration file you can use the CLI argument -l,--logConfig.

The example offers such a configuration file which is used by the launch configuration ExampleServerLauncher.launch (-l=log4j2.xml).

This example configuration configures the logging behavior as follows: The default log level is set to INFO for the Log4j 2 logger itself and to DEBUG for the Model Server application logging.

  • Console logging: Level.FATAL and Level.ERROR write to stderr, all levels above write to stdout.
  • Rolling File Logger: Is configured to log on Level.DEBUG and outputs to the log file logs/emfcloud-modelserver.log.

Another example for an external log configuration can be found in the emfcloud-modelserver-theia repository.

For more information on the Log4j 2 configuration please visit the Log4j 2 manual.

Remark: There is a known issue with Log4j2 used in bundled JARs. This shows in not properly logging INFO lines in the (rolling) log file (if used). This can be solved by adding the following property to the ManifestResourceTransformer in the packaging phase within the maven-shade-plugin. See for example also in our example application org.eclipse.emfcloud.modelserver.example/pom.xml


Development logging

To enable extensive development logging in Javalin for http and websocket requests, you can use the CLI argument -e,--enableDevLogging.

It will output details for each request/response similar to the following snippet:

2022-01-01 00:00:00,000000000 [JettyServerThreadPool-25] INFO Javalin - JAVALIN REQUEST DEBUG LOG:
Request: GET [/api/v1/models]
    Matching endpoint-handlers: [BEFORE=*, BEFORE=/api/v1/*, GET=/api/v1/models]
    Headers: {Accept=*/*, User-Agent=PostmanRuntime/7.28.4, Connection=keep-alive, Postman-Token=..., Host=localhost:8081, Accept-Encoding=gzip, deflate, br}
    Cookies: {}
    QueryParams: {modeluri=[]}
    FormParams: {}
Response: [200], execution took 5.84 ms
    Headers: {Date=Fri, 01 Jan 2022 00:00:00 GMT, Content-Type=application/json}
    Body is 1015 bytes (starts on next line):
  "type" : "success",
  "data" : {
    "eClass" : "",
    "children" : [ {
    } ],
    "name" : "Super Brewer 3000",
    "workflows" : [ {
      "name" : "Simple Workflow",
    } ]

Model Server API


  • The query parameter ?modeluri= accepts files in the loaded workspace as well as absolute file paths.
  • Parameters in brackets [] are optional.
    • If no format is specified, the default format is JSON.
    • [WebSocket] The parameter livevalidation defaults to false. If set to true the websocket will recieve validation results automatically on model changes.

HTTP Endpoints

The Model Server supports two versions of the API (v1 and v2). If the model server is up and running, you can access the model server v1 API via http://localhost:8081/api/v1/*, and the v2 API via http://localhost:8081/api/v2/*

HTTP Endpoints - V1

HTTP Endpoints - V1

The following table shows the current HTTP endpoints (v1):

Category Description HTTP method Path Input
Models Get all available models in the workspace GET /models query parameter: [?format=...]
Get model GET /models query parameter: ?modeluri=...[&format=...]
Create new model POST /models query parameter: ?modeluri=...[&format=...]
Update model PATCH /models query parameter: ?modeluri=...[&format=...]
Delete model DELETE /models query parameter: ?modeluri=...
Close model POST /close query parameter: ?modeluri=...
Save GET /save query parameter: ?modeluri=...
SaveAll GET /saveall -
Undo GET /undo query parameter: ?modeluri=...
Redo GET /redo query parameter: ?modeluri=...
Execute commands PATCH /edit query parameter: ?modeluri=...
Get all available model URIs in the workspace GET /modeluris -
Get model element by id GET /modelelement query parameter: ?modeluri=...&elementid=...[&format=...]
Get model element by name
(Returns the first element that matches the given elementname)
GET /modelelement query parameter: ?modeluri=...&elementname=...[&format=...]
JSON schema Get the type schema of a model as a JSON schema GET /typeschema query parameter: ?modeluri=...
Get the UI schema of a certain view element GET /uischema query parameter: ?schemaname=...
Server actions Ping server GET /server/ping -
Update server configuration PUT /server/configure application/json
Model Validation Validate Model GET /validation query parameter: ?modeluri=...
Get list of constraints GET /validation/constraints query parameter: ?modeluri=...

HTTP Endpoints - V2

The following table shows the current HTTP endpoints (v2):

Category Description HTTP method Path Input
Models Get all available models in the workspace GET /models query parameter: [?format=...]
Get model GET /models query parameter: ?modeluri=...[&format=...]
Create new model POST /models query parameter: ?modeluri=...[&format=...]
Execute commands PATCH /models query parameter: ?modeluri=...[&format=...]
Replace model PUT /models query parameter: ?modeluri=...[&format=...]
Delete model DELETE /models query parameter: ?modeluri=...
Close model POST /close query parameter: ?modeluri=...
Save GET /save query parameter: ?modeluri=...
SaveAll GET /saveall -
Undo GET /undo query parameter: ?modeluri=...
Redo GET /redo query parameter: ?modeluri=...
Get all available model URIs in the workspace GET /modeluris -
Get model element by id GET /modelelement query parameter: ?modeluri=...&elementid=...[&format=...]
Get model element by name
(Returns the first element that matches the given elementname)
GET /modelelement query parameter: ?modeluri=...&elementname=...[&format=...]
JSON schema Get the type schema of a model as a JSON schema GET /typeschema query parameter: ?modeluri=...
Get the UI schema of a certain view element GET /uischema query parameter: ?schemaname=...
Server actions Ping server GET /server/ping -
Update server configuration PUT /server/configure application/json
Model Validation Validate Model GET /validation query parameter: ?modeluri=...
Get list of constraints GET /validation/constraints query parameter: ?modeluri=...
Internal Create a transaction for auto-composing edits on a model with intermediate results. Returns the ID of the transaction for a websocket (see below) POST /transaction query parameter: ?modeluri=...
No body content required

Server Configuration

Per default, updating the server configuration (/server/configure) with a new workspaceRoot, enables queueing of further incoming requests until configuration is completed. Please see ModelServerRouting for details.

WebSocket Endpoints

Subscriptions are implemented via websockets. For v1, ws://localhost:8081/api/v1/*. For v2, ws://localhost:8081/api/v2/*.

The following table shows the current WS endpoints common to both v1 and v2 APIs:

Description Path Input Returns
Subscribe to model changes /subscribe query parameter: ?modeluri=...[&format=...][&timeout=...][&livevalidation=-...] sessionId

The following table shows messages accepted from a client on valid WS /subscribe connection:

Type Description Example message
keepAlive Keep WS connection alive if timeout is defined { type: 'keepAlive', data: '' }

Websocket Endpoints — v2

The following table shows the WS endpoints added in the v2 API:

Description Path Input
[Internal] Incremental edits with intermediate results /transaction/:id id returned from POST request on /transaction
query parameter: ?modeluri=...[&format=...]

The following table shows messages accepted from a client on the transaction/:id endpoint in the v2 API:

Type Description Example message
execute Execute an edit on the model, via EMF command or JSON Patch { "type": "execute", "data": { "type": "modelserver.patch" ...}" }
close Close the transaction, putting summary of all changes on the undo stack { "type": "close" }
roll-back Cancel the transaction, discarding all changes { "type": "roll-back", "message": "Unexpected opening date for course enrollment." }

And messages from the server that clients will receive on the transaction/:id endpoint:

Type Description Example message
success Successful execution of command or JSON Patch { "type": "success", "data": { "message": "Model successfully updated.", "patch": [ { "op": "add", ... }, ... ] } }

Java Client API

The model server project features a Java-based client API that eases integration with the model server. The interface declaration is as defined below. Please note that the Model class is a POJO with a model uri and content.

v1 Client API
public interface ModelServerClientApiV1<A> {

  CompletableFuture<Response<String>> get(String modelUri);

  CompletableFuture<Response<A>> get(String modelUri, String format);

  CompletableFuture<Response<List<Model<String>>>> getAll();

  CompletableFuture<Response<List<Model<A>>>> getAll(String format);

  CompletableFuture<Response<List<String>>> getModelUris();

  CompletableFuture<Response<String>> getModelElementById(String modelUri, String elementid);

  CompletableFuture<Response<A>> getModelElementById(String modelUri, String elementid, String format);

  CompletableFuture<Response<String>> getModelElementByName(String modelUri, String elementname);

  CompletableFuture<Response<A>> getModelElementByName(String modelUri, String elementname, String format);

  CompletableFuture<Response<Boolean>> delete(String modelUri);

  CompletableFuture<Response<Boolean>> close(String modelUri);

  CompletableFuture<Response<String>> create(String modelUri, String createdModelAsJsonText);

  CompletableFuture<Response<A>> create(String modelUri, A createdModel, String format);

  CompletableFuture<Response<String>> update(String modelUri, String updatedModelAsJsonText);

  CompletableFuture<Response<A>> update(String modelUri, A updatedModel, String format);

  CompletableFuture<Response<Boolean>> save(String modelUri);

  CompletableFuture<Response<Boolean>> saveAll();

  CompletableFuture<Response<String>> validate(String modelUri);

  CompletableFuture<Response<String>> getValidationConstraints(String modelUri);

  CompletableFuture<Response<String>> getTypeSchema(String modelUri);

  CompletableFuture<Response<String>> getUiSchema(String schemaName);

  CompletableFuture<Response<Boolean>> configure(ServerConfiguration configuration);

  CompletableFuture<Response<Boolean>> ping();

  CompletableFuture<Response<Boolean>> edit(String modelUri, CCommand command, String format);

  void subscribe(String modelUri, SubscriptionListener subscriptionListener);

  void subscribe(String modelUri, SubscriptionListener subscriptionListener, String format);

  void subscribe(String modelUri, SubscriptionListener subscriptionListener, long timeout);

  void subscribe(String modelUri, SubscriptionListener subscriptionListener, String format, long timeout);

  void subscribeWithValidation(String modelUri, SubscriptionListener subscriptionListener);

  void subscribeWithValidation(String modelUri, SubscriptionListener subscriptionListener, String format);

  void subscribeWithValidation(String modelUri, SubscriptionListener subscriptionListener, long timeout);

  void subscribeWithValidation(String modelUri, SubscriptionListener subscriptionListener, String format,
  long timeout);

  boolean send(String modelUri, String message);

  boolean unsubscribe(String modelUri);

  EditingContext edit();

  boolean close(EditingContext editingContext);

  CompletableFuture<Response<Boolean>> undo(String modelUri);

  CompletableFuture<Response<Boolean>> redo(String modelUri);

v2 Client API:

public interface ModelServerClientApiV2<A> {

  CompletableFuture<Response<String>> get(String modelUri);

  CompletableFuture<Response<A>> get(String modelUri, String format);

  CompletableFuture<Response<List<Model<String>>>> getAll();

  CompletableFuture<Response<List<Model<A>>>> getAll(String format);

  CompletableFuture<Response<List<String>>> getModelUris();

  CompletableFuture<Response<String>> getModelElementById(String modelUri, String elementid);

  CompletableFuture<Response<A>> getModelElementById(String modelUri, String elementid, String format);

  CompletableFuture<Response<String>> getModelElementByName(String modelUri, String elementname);

  CompletableFuture<Response<A>> getModelElementByName(String modelUri, String elementname, String format);

  CompletableFuture<Response<Boolean>> delete(String modelUri);

  CompletableFuture<Response<Boolean>> close(String modelUri);

  CompletableFuture<Response<String>> create(String modelUri, String createdModelAsJsonText);

  CompletableFuture<Response<A>> create(String modelUri, A createdModel, String format);

  CompletableFuture<Response<String>> update(String modelUri, String updatedModelAsJsonText);

  CompletableFuture<Response<A>> update(String modelUri, A updatedModel, String format);

  CompletableFuture<Response<Boolean>> save(String modelUri);

  CompletableFuture<Response<Boolean>> saveAll();

  CompletableFuture<Response<String>> validate(String modelUri);

  CompletableFuture<Response<String>> getValidationConstraints(String modelUri);

  CompletableFuture<Response<String>> getTypeSchema(String modelUri);

  CompletableFuture<Response<String>> getUiSchema(String schemaName);

  CompletableFuture<Response<Boolean>> configure(ServerConfiguration configuration);

  CompletableFuture<Response<Boolean>> ping();

  CompletableFuture<Response<String>> edit(String modelUri, CCommand command, String format);

  CompletableFuture<Response<String>> edit(String modelUri, ArrayNode jsonPatch, String format);

  void subscribe(String modelUri, SubscriptionListener subscriptionListener);

  void subscribe(String modelUri, SubscriptionListener subscriptionListener, String format);

  void subscribe(String modelUri, SubscriptionListener subscriptionListener, long timeout);

  void subscribe(String modelUri, SubscriptionListener subscriptionListener, String format, long timeout);

  void subscribeWithValidation(String modelUri, SubscriptionListener subscriptionListener);

  void subscribeWithValidation(String modelUri, SubscriptionListener subscriptionListener, String format);

  void subscribeWithValidation(String modelUri, SubscriptionListener subscriptionListener, long timeout);

  void subscribeWithValidation(String modelUri, SubscriptionListener subscriptionListener, String format,
    long timeout);

  void subscribe(String modelUri, SubscriptionListener subscriptionListener, SubscriptionOptions options);

  boolean send(String modelUri, String message);

  boolean unsubscribe(String modelUri);

  CompletableFuture<Response<String>> undo(String modelUri);

  CompletableFuture<Response<String>> redo(String modelUri);
v2 Subscription Options API
public interface SubscriptionOptions extends Serializable {

   String getFormat();

   boolean isLiveValidation();

   long getTimeout();

   String getPathScheme();

   Map<String, String> getAdditionalOptions();

   default boolean hasAdditionalOptions() {
      return !getAdditionalOptions().isEmpty();

   static Builder builder() {
      return new Impl.Builder();

   interface Builder {

      Builder withFormat(String format);

      Builder withLiveValidation();

      Builder withLiveValidation(boolean validation);

      Builder withTimeout(final long timeout);

      Builder withTimeout(long timeout, TimeUnit unit);

      Builder withPathScheme(String pathScheme);

      Builder withOption(String key, String value);

      SubscriptionOptions build();


REST API Example

// You can customize the underlying okhttp instance by passing it in as a 1st parameter
ModelServerClient client = new ModelServerClient("http://localhost:8081/api/v2/");

// perform simple GET
      .thenAccept(response -> System.out.println("GET: " + response.body()));

// perform same GET, but obtain the result as an EObject
client.get("SuperBrewer3000.json", "json-v2")
      .thenAccept(response -> System.out.println("GET: " + response.body()));

// perform GET ALL
      .thenAccept(response -> System.out.println("GET ALL: " + response.body()));

// replace the model content via a PATCH update
EObject coffeeMachine = ...;
client.update("SuperBrewer3000.json", coffeeMachine, "json-v2")
      .thenAccept(response -> System.out.println(response.body()));

Executing Commands

To perform changes on the model, clients may issue PATCH requests to update the model state incrementally in the server. These updates are broadcast to subscribers as incremental updates (see below).

Consider the following JSON payload for a PATCH request to add change the name of the workflow in the example Super Brewer 3000 model and to add another task to it:

v1 PATCH Commands
  "eClass": "",
  "type": "compound",
  "commands": [
      "eClass": "",
      "type": "set",
      "owner": {
        "eClass": "",
        "$ref": "SuperBrewer3000.json#//@workflows.0"
      "feature": "name",
      "dataValues": ["Auto Brew"]
      "eClass": "",
      "type": "add",
      "owner": {
        "eClass": "",
        "$ref": "SuperBrewer3000.json#//@workflows.0"
      "feature": "nodes",
      "objectValues": [
          "eClass": "",
          "$ref": "//@commands.1/@objectsToAdd.0"
      "objectsToAdd": [
          "eClass": "",
          "name": "Brew"
      "indices": [1]

This is a JSON representation of an EMF CompoundCommand containing two commands, a SetCommand that changes the name of the first workflow in the model, and an AddCommand that adds a new AutomaticTask to that workflow. The SetCommand does not require any index because the name feature is single-valued. The AddCommand here explicitly adds an position 1, but this can also be omitted to simply append to the end of the list. Notice how each command indicates the owner object in the model to which the change is applied using a cross-document reference. And in the case of the AddCommand, the object to be added does not yet exist in the model, so it must be included in the payload of the command, itself. Thus it is contained in the objectsToAdd property and indicate via an in-document reference in the objectValues property. Other commands, such as the RemoveCommand, would indicate objects in the objectValues property that already exist in the model (to be removed in that case), and so those would be cross-document references and the objectsToAdd is unused.

To execute this command, issue a PATCH request to the edit endpoint like:

PATCH http://localhost:8081/api/v1/edit?modeluri=SuperBrewer3000.json
Content-type: application/json
{ "data" : <payload> }

The model server project already provides a default set of commands but it is also possible to plug in your custom metamodel-specific commands by providing CommandContributions specified with your model server module.

All commands are executed on a transactional command stack within an EMF transactional editing domain. The use of an EMF transactional editing domain on the server side provides a more reliable way of executing commands through transactions and therefore making a clear separation between the end user's operations. In addition, it enables us to make use of RecordingCommands which record the changes made to objects via the custom metamodel's API and therefore provide automatic undo/redo support for custom commands.

v2 Patch, using an EMF Command:

    "type": "modelserver.emfcommand",
    "data": {
        "eClass": "",
        "type": "compound",
        "commands": [
                "eClass": "",
                "type": "set",
                "owner": {
                    "eClass": "",
                    "$ref": "SuperBrewer3000.json#//@workflows.0"
                "feature": "name",
                "dataValues": [
                    "Auto Brew"
                "eClass": "",
                "type": "add",
                "owner": {
                    "eClass": "",
                    "$ref": "SuperBrewer3000.json#//@workflows.0"
                "feature": "nodes",
                "objectValues": [
                        "eClass": "",
                        "$ref": "//@commands.1/@objectsToAdd.0"
                "objectsToAdd": [
                        "eClass": "",
                        "name": "Brew"
                "indices": [

This is a JSON representation of an EMF CompoundCommand containing two commands, a SetCommand that changes the name of the first workflow in the model, and an AddCommand that adds a new AutomaticTask to that workflow. The SetCommand does not require any index because the name feature is single-valued. The AddCommand here explicitly adds an position 1, but this can also be omitted to simply append to the end of the list. Notice how each command indicates the owner object in the model to which the change is applied using a cross-document reference. And in the case of the AddCommand, the object to be added does not yet exist in the model, so it must be included in the payload of the command, itself. Thus it is contained in the objectsToAdd property and indicate via an in-document reference in the objectValues property. Other commands, such as the RemoveCommand, would indicate objects in the objectValues property that already exist in the model (to be removed in that case), and so those would be cross-document references and the objectsToAdd is unused.

To execute this command, issue a PATCH request to the models endpoint like:

PATCH http://localhost:8081/api/v2/models?modeluri=SuperBrewer3000.json
Content-type: application/json
{ "data" : <payload> }

The model server project already provides a default set of commands but it is also possible to plug in your custom metamodel-specific commands by providing CommandContributions specified with your model server module.

All commands are executed on a transactional command stack within an EMF transactional editing domain. The use of an EMF transactional editing domain on the server side provides a more reliable way of executing commands through transactions and therefore making a clear separation between the end user's operations. In addition, it enables us to make use of RecordingCommands which record the changes made to objects via the custom metamodel's API and therefore provide automatic undo/redo support for custom commands.

v2 Patch, using a Json Patch with EMF-like paths:

    "type": "modelserver.patch",
    "data": [
        "op": "replace",
        "path": "SuperBrewer3000.json#//@workflows.0/name",
        "value": "Auto Brew"
        "op": "add",
        "path": "SuperBrewer3000.json#//@workflows.0/nodes/-",
        "value": {
          "$type": "",
          "name": "Brew"

This Json Patch is equivalent to the EMF Command above, and can be used in the same way. This is the recommended format to use for Web clients, as manipulating this Json Patch format is a lot easier than EMF Commands.

In this case, we still use an EMF-like path, which contains the URI of the model to edit, the ID of the Object to edit, and the feature to edit:

modeluri#objectID/featureName or modeluri#objectID/featureName/index (Where the special value - can be used to represent the last element of the list).

v2 Patch, using a Json Patch with standard Json Pointer paths:

  "type": "modelserver.patch",
  "data": [
      "op": "replace",
      "path": "/workflows/0/name",
      "value": "Auto Brew"
      "op": "add",
      "path": "/workflows/0/nodes/-",
      "value": {
        "$type": "",
        "name": "Brew"

In this last case, we use standard Json Pointer paths, instead of EMF-like paths. The model URI is no longer part of the path, as this concept doesn't exist with Json Patch/Json Pointers. Instead, the ?modeluri= query parameter will be used. Currently, this format can't be used to edit multiple resources with a single operation.

WebSocket Subscriptions Example

If you want to be notified about any changes happening on a certain model, you can subscribe with a SubscriptionListener and define a format for the responses, which is an EObjectSubscriptionListener for json-v2 format in this example.

Please also see a basic running example in org.eclipse.emfcloud.modelserver.example.client.

ModelServerClient client = new ModelServerClient("http://localhost:8081/api/v2/");
String subscriptionId = "SuperBrewer3000.json";

client.subscribe(subscriptionId, new EObjectSubscriptionListener(new JsonCodecV2()) {
  public void onOpen(final Response<String> response) {
    System.out.println("Connected: " + response.getMessage());

  public void onSuccess(final Optional<String> message) {
    System.out.println("Success: " + message.get());

  public void onIncrementalUpdate(final JsonPatch patch) {
     System.out.println("Patch update from model server received: " + patch.toString());

  public void onDirtyChange(final boolean isDirty) {
    System.out.println("Dirty State: " + isDirty);

  public void onUnknown(final ModelServerNotification notification) {
    System.out.println("Unknown notification of type " + notification.getType() + ": " + notification.getData());

  public void onFullUpdate(final EObject fullUpdate) {
    System.out.println("Full <EObject> update from model server received: " + fullUpdate.toString());

  public void onError(final Optional<String> message) {
    System.out.println("Error from model server received: " + message.get());

  public void onFailure(final Throwable t, final Response<String> response) {
    System.out.println("Failure: " + response.getMessage());

  public void onFailure(final Throwable t) {
    System.out.println("Failure: ");

  public void onClosing(final int code, final String reason) {
    System.out.println("Closing connection to model server, reason: " + reason);

  public void onClosed(final int code, final String reason) {
    System.out.println("Closed connection to model server, reason: " + reason);

// ...


The kind of message received depends on the operation. For an update call (PATCH request on the model), the message is the new content of the model (onFullUpdate). For an edit call (incremental update applied by a PATCH request with an edit command or JSON patch — see above), the message is the result of the command that was executed (onIncrementalUpdate). In the case of an API v2 client with json-v2 message format, the incremental update takes the form of a JSON patch describing the changes performed on the server. The patch can be applied to a local copy of the model to synchronize with the server and is modeled in EMF as a JsonPatch object.

Subscriptions support a number of options to tweak their behaviour. For example, to customize the idle timeout interval and receive incremental updates in which the Operations in the JSON Patches use EObject fragment URIs in the path property instead of standard JSON Pointers:

ModelServerClient client = new ModelServerClient("http://localhost:8081/api/v2/");
String subscriptionId = "SuperBrewer3000.json";
SubscriptionListener listener = /* as above */ ;

client.subscribe(subscriptionId, listener, SubscriptionOptions.builder()
    .withTimeout(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS)


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Eclipse IDE Setup


  • Please make sure your Eclipse workspace uses a JRE of Java 11 or higher.
  • Install the Eclipse Checkstyle Plug-in via its update site!/install.

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Import Existing Projects

Import all maven projects via File > Import... > Maven > Existing Maven Projects > Root directory: $REPO_LOCATION. You may skip the parent modules (i.e. org.eclipse.emfcloud.modelserver.*.parent).

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Upon project creation the settings file org.eclipse.resources.prefs is created automatically and usually needs no further adjustment. Please copy and replace (if applicable) the following preferences files from org.eclipse.emfcloud.modelserver.common before you start coding:

  • org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs
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