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Eugen Neufeld edited this page Aug 13, 2021 · 2 revisions

The emfjson-jackson module allows several customizations to the JSON format it can handle. It is possible to customization the reserved fields names for types, ids and references. It is also possible to customize how the module will resolve an EClass or a reference from a JSON content.

Type field

The type field is use to determine the EClass of the object. By default the field is named eClass and it's value is the URI of the EClass. The URI is in general the EClass package nsURI follow by a fragment being the EClass name. This URI is used by the resourceSet to locate the resource containing the package definition.

Custom field name

The field name can be change by configuring the EMF module. The configuration is done by using a EcoreTypeInfo.

import org.emfjson.jackson.annotations.EcoreTypeInfo;

ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
EMFModule module = new EMFModule();
module.setTypeInfo(new EcoreTypeInfo("type"));

Once this is done, all objects will now contain a type field instead of a eClass field. The value of that field is still the EClass URI.

  "type": "",
  "id": 1,
  "name": "Bob"

Custom serializer

To change the value of the type field, it is necessary to tell the module to use a specific ValueWriter. This is done by passing a second argument to the EcoreTypeInfo.

In this example, the ValueWriter will return the EClass name instead of it's URI.

module.setTypeInfo(new EcoreTypeInfo("type",
  new ValueWriter<EClass, String>() {
	  public String writeValue(EClass value, SerializerProvider context) {
		  return value.getName();

The JSON output will now be like this

  "type": "User",
  "id": 1,
  "name": "Bob"

Custom deserializer

It is also possible to parse custom type values by specifying a ValueReader. This reader will take as input a string and return the EClass corresponding to that string.

In this example, we assume that the values of the type field is the name of the EClass. In that case we return the EClass from our domain package that matches that name.

module.setTypeInfo(new EcoreTypeInfo("type",
  new ValueReader<String, EClass>() {
	  public EClass readValue(String value, DeserializationContext context) {
		  return (EClass) ModelPackage.eINSTANCE.getEClassifier(value);

When customizing both the serialization and deserialization of a type field, the valueReader and valueWriter have to be set to the same EcoreTypeInfo.

module.setTypeInfo(new EcoreTypeInfo("type", valueReader, valueWriter));

Custom id field

The id field is used to uniquely identify an object inside a resource. The id field is in general only use when the option OPTION_USE_ID is set.

Custom field name

To customize this field, it is necessary to tell the module to use a custom EcoreIdentityInfo. In the following example we tell the module to serialize all id fields as _id.

EMFModule module = new EMFModule();
module.configure(EMFModule.Feature.OPTION_USE_ID, true);
module.configure(EMFModule.Feature.OPTION_SERIALIZE_TYPE, false);

module.setIdentityInfo(new EcoreIdentityInfo("_id"));

This will result in that output. Note that in that case, there are no type field because we have set the option OPTION_SERIALIZE_TYPE to false.

  "_id": 1,
  "name": "Bob"

Custom serializer

It is possible to use a custom serializer for ids. In that case we tell the module to use a specific ValueWriter for ids. This writer takes as input an object and return a value. That value can be of any type.

module.setIdentityInfo(new EcoreIdentityInfo("_id",
  new ValueWriter<EObject, Object>() {
	  public Object writeValue(EObject value, SerializerProvider context) {
		  return 1;

The output will be

  "_id": 1,
  "name": "Bob"

Custom deserializer

To deserialize custom id values, it is necessary to tell the module to use a custom ValueReader for ids. This reader will take as input a value (can be of any type) and should return a String.

module.setIdentityInfo(new EcoreIdentityInfo("_id",
  new ValueReader<Object, String>() {
    public String readValue(Object value, DeserializationContext context) {
      return value.toString();

Custom reference handling

References are by default serialized as JSON objects that contain two fields. The first field is the type of the referenced object and the second field is the URI of the referenced object. The type field is named eClass and the URI field is named $ref.

Here is an example of references as serialize in JSON

  "eClass": "",
  "name": "Bob",
  "friends": [ {
    "eClass": "",
  } ]

It is possible to fully customize how references are serialize and deserialize, meaning that it is not only possible to customize the field names but also add more fields to the reference field or use simple values instead of objects to represent references.

Custom reference object fields

To customize the field names, it is necessary to tell the module to use a special EcoreReferenceInfo. The latter will take two arguments. The first being the name to use for the URI field and the second being the name to use for the type field.

Here we tell the module to use my_ref instead of $ref and to use my_type instead of eClass.

EMFModule module = new EMFModule();
module.setReferenceInfo(new EcoreReferenceInfo.Base("my_ref", "my_type"));

This will give us such output

  "eClass": "",
  "name": "Bob",
  "friends": [ {
    "my_type": "",
  } ]

Custom reference serializer

It is also possible to use a custom serializer for references. This should be use when you want to fully control how references are serialize.

The serializer is register directly to the module. It takes as input an EObject, that is the object that is referenced. It is then up to you to use the JsonGenerator to decide how the reference should be serialize.

In this example we decided to serialize the reference as a simple string. The string being the id of the object.

module.setReferenceSerializer(new JsonSerializer<EObject>() {
  public void serialize(EObject v, JsonGenerator g, SerializerProvider s)
  throws IOException {
    g.writeString(((JsonResource) v.eResource()).getID(v));

We will then have an output like this

  "eClass": "",
  "name": "Bob",
  "friends": [ "2" ]

Custom reference deserializer

When using custom serializer for references, it is necessary to tell the module how to parse those. This can be done by using a custom reference deserializer.

The deserializer is register directly to the module. It is a standard Jackson deserializer that expects as output a ReferenceEntry. A ReferenceEntry is an object that contains the necessary information needed by the module to locate and instantiate an EObject.

In the following example, we assume that references are strings that contain ids of referenced objects. The deserializer reads the current reference id by calling parser.getText() and creates a ReferenceEntry.

module.setReferenceDeserializer(new JsonDeserializer<ReferenceEntry>() {
  public ReferenceEntry deserialize(JsonParser parser, DeserializationContext ctxt)
  throws IOException {
    final EObject parent = EMFContext.getParent(ctxt);
    final EReference reference = EMFContext.getReference(ctxt);

    if (parser.getCurrentToken() == JsonToken.FIELD_NAME) {

    return new ReferenceEntry.Base(parent, reference, parser.getText());