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Simple Data Exchanger (formally known Data Format Transformer)


This repository is part of the overarching Eclipse Tractus-X project. It contains the Backend for the SDE/DFT. SDE Simple data exchanger(formally known DFT is short for Data Format Transformer)

It is a standalone service which can be self-hosted. It enables companies to provide their data in the Eclipse Tractus-X network via an EDC.

Important !!!

Deployment of SDE backend

The Auto-Setup is the central service orchestration component. The Auto-Setup hide all complex configuration properties for you and get SDE Backend as well as Frontend service deployed for you as service. The Auto-Setup taking all deployment through their specific helm charts. The Auto-Setup knows which prerequisites and which configurations are required for the components and creates them. All dependencies and any error messages are intercepted by Auto-Setup and treated correctly and meaningfully. Therefore, Auto-Setup meets your requirements exactly.

Once SDE deployed, The data is uploaded via CSV-files or tabular entry. The SDE registers the data in the Digital Twin Registry and makes it accessible via an EDC.

The SDE project has three dependencies: Digital Twins, Portal and EDC.

How to run

For SDE installation, please refer the INSTALL file

SDE is a SpringBoot Java Maven software project.

When running, the project requires a postgresql database to be available to connect. You can find the standard require configuration keys as below:


Listed below are configuration keys needed to get the sde-backend up and running.

Key Required Example Description
keycloak.clientid X sdeclientId This is keycloak clienId/resource X Url of Keycloak issuer uri X true Default value, no need to change X true Default value, no need to change X true Default value, no need to change
management.endpoints.web.exposure.include X * Default value, no need to change
spring.lifecycle.timeout-per-shutdown-phase X 30s Default value, no need to change X INFO Default value, no need to change X info Default value, no need to change
logging.level.root X info Default value, no need to change
file.upload-dir X ./temp/ Default value, no need to change
spring.servlet.multipart.enabled X true Default value, no need to change
spring.main.allow-bean-definition-overriding X true Default value, no need to change
spring.servlet.multipart.file-size-threshold X 2KB Default value, no need to change
spring.servlet.multipart.max-file-size X 200MB Default value, no need to change
spring.servlet.multipart.max-request-size X 215MB Default value, no need to change
server.servlet.context-path X /api Default value, no need to change
spring.flyway.baseline-on-migrate X true Default value, no need to change
spring.flyway.locations X classpath:/flyway Default value, no need to change
spring.datasource.driver-class-name X org.postgresql.Driver Default value, no need to change
spring.datasource.url X jdbc:postgres// Your database server details
spring.datasource.username X Your database password
spring.datasource.password X Your database password
spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto update Default value, no need to change false Default value, no need to change
digital-twins.hostname X Digital twin registry url
digital-twins.authentication.url X http://ex* Digital twin registry auth url
digital-twins.authentication.clientId X your clientId Digital twin registry clientId
digital-twins.authentication.clientSecret X your secrete Digital twin registry secrete
digital-twins.authentication.grantType X client_credentials Default value, no need to change
edc.hostname X Your EDC provider connector url
edc.managementpath X default edc provider management path
edc.apiKeyHeader X x-api-key Your connector api key
edc.apiKey X yourpass Your connector apikey value
edc.consumer.hostname X Your EDC consumer connector
edc.consumer.apikeyheader X x-api-key Your connector api key
edc.consumer.apikey X yourpass Your connector apikey value
edc.consumer.datauri X /api/v1/ids/data IDS endpoint path
edc.consumer.protocol.path X default edc consumer protocol path
edc.consumer.managementpath X default edc consumer management path
dft.hostname X Your SDE hostname
dft.apiKeyHeader X API_KEY Your default key
dft.apiKey X yourpass Your default key password
manufacturerId X default Your CX partner BPN number
partner.pool.hostname X default url to get legal-entity information
connector.discovery.token-url X Portal backend AuthURL
connector.discovery.clientId X default client ID for connector discovery
connector.discovery.clientSecret X default password for connector discovery
portal.backend.hostname X default Portal backend svc URL based on BPN
springdoc.api-docs.path X default swagger API path
bpndiscovery.hostname X default bpn discovery hostname
discovery.authentication.url X default discovery authentication url
discovery.clientId X default discovery clientId
discovery.clientSecret X default discovery clientSecret
discovery.grantType X default discovery grantType
partner.pool.hostname X default partner pool hostname
partner.pool.authentication.url X default partner pool authentication url
partner.pool.clientId X default partner pool clientId
partner.pool.clientSecret X default partner pool clientSecret
partner.pool.grantType X default partner pool grantType
portal.backend.hostname X default portal backend hostname
portal.backend.authentication.url X default portal authentication url
portal.backend.clientId X default portal clientId
portal.backend.clientSecret X default portal clientSecret
portal.backend.grantType X default portal grantType
policy.hub.hostname X default policy hub hostname
policy.hub.authentication.url X default policy hub authentication url
policy.hub.clientId X default policy hub clientId
policy.hub.clientSecret X default policy hub clientSecret
policy.hub.grantType X default policy hub grantType

Example Configuration/


#provider your logging level

#default spring boot configuration not need to change

#API context path to access application apis

#Database and flyway details, the database will 
spring.datasource.url=jdbc:postgres// #your database server details
spring.datasource.username=your database password
spring.datasource.password=your database password

#Provide digital twin registry details which SDE should use to create twin for your, 
#The need technical user details depend on digital twin security configuration
digital-twins.authentication.clientId=your clientId
digital-twins.authentication.clientSecret=your secrete

#The EDC connector information which SDE should use As Data provider connector
edc.apiKeyHeader=your connector api key
edc.apiKey=your connector apikey value 

#The EDC connector information which SDE should use As Data consumer connector
edc.consumer.apikeyheader=your connector api key
edc.consumer.apikey=your connector apikey value 

#Your Own SDE host url which will share with EDC connector as data address proxy
dft.apiKeyHeader=your default key
dft.apiKey=your default key password

#Your company BPN number

#Portal pool hostname url to use discover legal company information in SDE

#Portal backend url for get connector list based on BPN number

The above configuration we can use as for different deployment as specified here

Supported submodules

To find information about supported submodules and there version in SDE please visit here

DFT(Simple Data Exchanger) Compatible with :=

  1. File Uploads
    • SerialPart
    • SingleLevelBoMAsBuilt
    • Batch
    • PartAsPlanned
    • PartTypeInformation
    • SingleLevelBoMAsPlanned
    • PartSiteInformationAsPlanned
    • SingleLevelUsageAsBuilt
    • Product Carbon Footprint(PCF)
  2. Json Update
    • SerialPart
    • SingleLevelBoMAsBuilt
    • Batch
    • PartAsPlanned
    • PartTypeInformation
    • SingleLevelBoMAsPlanned
    • PartSiteInformationAsPlanned
    • SingleLevelUsageAsBuilt
    • Product Carbon Footprint(PCF)
  3. Application UI
    • SerialPart
    • SingleLevelBoMAsBuilt
    • Batch
    • PartAsPlanned
    • PartTypeInformation
    • SingleLevelBoMAsPlanned
    • PartSiteInformationAsPlanned
    • SingleLevelUsageAsBuilt
    • Product Carbon Footprint(PCF)

RESTful APIs OF DFT (Simple Data Exchanger)

Note: API_KEY, AUTHORIZATION TOKEN Required as Headers

API Description Request body Response body
GET:- localhost:8080/api/submodels This API is used to get all submodels list which is implemented/supported by SDE Refer Api Doc Refer Api Doc
GET:- localhost:8080/api/submodels/schema-details This API is used to get schema details of submodels which is implemented/supported by SDE Refer Api Doc Refer Api Doc
GET:- localhost:8080/api/submodels/{submodelName} This API is used to get the schema data of specific model Refer Api Doc Refer Api Doc
POST:- localhost:8080/api/{submodel}/upload This API is used to uploading data From CSV file for particular selected submodel Refer Api Doc 4ca03d5f-9e37-4c12-a8b8-6583b81892c8
POST:- localhost:8080/api/{submodel}/manualentry This API is used for uploading data From JSon/Tabular form Refer Api Doc 4ca03d5f-9e37-4c12-a8b8-6583b81892c8
GET:- localhost:8080/api/{submodel}/public/{uuid} This API is used for to get the specific submodel data Refer Api Doc Refer Api Doc
DELETE:- localhost:8080/api/{submodel}/delete/{processId} This API is used to delete processed data from EDC and DigitalTwins Refer Api Doc Refer Api Doc
GET:- localhost:8080/api/role/{role}/permissions This API is used to fetch all permissions associate with particular role Refer Api Doc Refer Api Doc
GET:- localhost:8080/api/user/role/permissions This API is used to fetch all list of permissions Refer Api Doc Refer Api Doc
POST:- localhost:8080/api/role/{role}/permissions This API is used to apply list of permissions to the specific role Refer Api Doc Refer Api Doc
GET:- localhost:8080/api/processing-report/87d0aece-ae46-4006-904d-9ec41cddee8b This API Is Used For fetch Process Report by Process ID Refer Api Doc Refer Api Doc
GET:- localhost:8080/api/ping This API Is Used For Health Check -- 2022-09-30T16:21:02.630868
GET:- localhost:8080/api/processing-report?page=&pageSize=50 This API Is Used For fetch Process Report Refer Api Doc Refer Api Doc
GET:- localhost:8080/api/query-data-offers This API is used to fetch all data offers of provider URL Refer Api Doc Refer Api Doc
POST:- localhost:8080/api/subscribe-data-offers This API is used to subscribe data offers Refer Api Doc Refer Api Doc
GET:- localhost:8080/api/contract-offers This API is used to get all contract offers Refer Api Doc Refer Api Doc
GET:- localhost:8080/api/legal-entities This API is used to fetch legal entities (list of company's) for Process Refer Api Doc Refer Api Doc
POST:- localhost:8080/api/connectors-discovery This API is used to fetch connector's information Refer Api Doc Refer Api Doc
GET:- localhost:8080/api/submodels This API is used to get all submodels list which is implemented/supported by SDE Refer Api Doc Refer Api Doc
GET:- localhost:8080/api/submodels/{submodelName} This API is used to get the schema data of specific model Refer Api Doc Refer Api Doc
POST:- localhost:8080/api/{submodel}/upload This API is used to uploading data From CSV file for particular selected submodel Refer Api Doc 4ca03d5f-9e37-4c12-a8b8-6583b81892c8
POST:- localhost:8080/api/{submodel}/manualentry This API is used for uploading data From JSon/Tabular form Refer Api Doc 4ca03d5f-9e37-4c12-a8b8-6583b81892c8
GET:- localhost:8080/api/{submodel}/public/{uuid} This API is used for to get the specific submodel data Refer Api Doc Refer Api Doc
DELETE:- localhost:8080/api/{submodel}/delete/{processId} This API is used to delete processed data from EDC and DigitalTwins Refer Api Doc Refer Api Doc
GET:- localhost:8080/api/role/{role}/permissions This API is used to fetch all permissions associate with particular role Refer Api Doc Refer Api Doc
GET:- localhost:8080/api/user/role/permissions This API is used to fetch all list of permissions Refer Api Doc Refer Api Doc
POST:- localhost:8080/api/role/{role}/permissions This API is used to apply list of permissions to the specific role Refer Api Doc Refer Api Doc
GET:- localhost:8080/api/processing-report/87d0aece-ae46-4006-904d-9ec41cddee8b This API Is Used For fetch Process Report by Process ID Refer Api Doc Refer Api Doc
GET:- localhost:8080/api/ping This API Is Used For Health Check -- 2022-09-30T16:21:02.630868
GET:- localhost:8080/api/processing-report?page=&pageSize=50 This API Is Used For fetch Process Report Refer Api Doc Refer Api Doc
GET:- localhost:8080/api/query-data-offers This API is used to fetch all data offers of provider URL Refer Api Doc Refer Api Doc
POST:- localhost:8080/api/subscribe-data-offers This API is used to subscribe data offers Refer Api Doc Refer Api Doc
GET:- localhost:8080/api/contract-offers This API is used to get all contract offers Refer Api Doc Refer Api Doc
GET:- localhost:8080/api/legal-entities This API is used to fetch legal entities (list of company's) for Process Refer Api Doc Refer Api Doc
POST:- localhost:8080/api/connectors-discovery This API is used to fetch connectors information Refer Api Doc Refer Api Doc
GET:- localhost:8080/api/policy-attributes This API is used to fetch policy attributes Refer Api Doc Refer Api Doc
GET:- localhost:8080/api/policy-types This API is used to fetch type of policy attributes Refer Api Doc Refer Api Doc
GET:- localhost:8080/api/policy-content This API is used to fetch policy content Refer Api Doc Refer Api Doc
POST:- localhost:8080/api/policy-content This API is used to create policy content Refer Api Doc Refer Api Doc
POST:- localhost:8080/api/policy This API is used to save policy Refer Api Doc Refer Api Doc
PUT:- localhost:8080/api/policy/{uuid} This API is used to update policy Refer Api Doc Refer Api Doc
GET:- localhost:8080/api/policy/{uuid} This API is used to get policy Refer Api Doc Refer Api Doc
GET:- localhost:8080/api/policy/is-policy-name-valid This API is used to check policy name valid or not Refer Api Doc Refer Api Doc
GET:- localhost:8080/api/policy This API is used to all policy Refer Api Doc Refer Api Doc
DELETE:- localhost:8080/api/policy/{uuid} This API is used to delete policy Refer Api Doc Refer Api Doc

Detailed API specs available under:

Backend API Swagger-ui :


Response Status


200 OK Indicates that the request has succeeded.
201 Created Indicates that the request has succeeded and a new resource has been created as a result.
202 Accepted Indicates that the request has been received but not completed yet
204 No Content The server has fulfilled the request but does not need to return a response body. The server may return the updated meta information.


400 Bad Request The request could not be understood by the server due to incorrect syntax.
401 Unauthorized Indicates that the request requires user authentication information.
403 Forbidden Unauthorized request.
404 Not Found The server can not find the requested resource.
405 Method Not Allowed The request HTTP method is known by the server but has been disabled and cannot be used for that resource
500 Internal Server Error The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.
502 Bad Gateway The server got an invalid response while working as a gateway to get the response needed to handle the request.
503 Service Unavailable The server is not ready to handle the request.
504 Gateway Timeout The server is acting as a gateway and cannot get a response in time for a request.


Tables Description Unique Id
aspect Table used to Store Date About Serialized Part Primary Key:UUID
serialpart_v_300 Table used to Store Date About Serialized Part Primary Key:UUID
aspect_relationship Data about the relationship of parts to its child-components. Primary Key:parent_catenax_id, child_catenax_id
single_level_bom_asbuilt_v_300 Data about the relationship of parts to its child-components. Primary Key:parent_catenax_id, child_catenax_id
batch Table used to Store Date about Serialized Part. Primary Key:UUID
batch_v_300 Table used to Store Date about Serialized Part. Primary Key:UUID
part_as_planned Table used to Store Date about Part As Planned. Primary Key:UUID
part_type_information Table used to Store Date about Part As Planned. Primary Key:UUID
pcf_aspect Table used to Store Date about Part As Planned. Primary Key:UUID
single_level_bom_as_planned Data about the relationship of part As Planned to its child-components. Primary Key:parent_catenax_id, child_catenax_id
single_level_bom_as_planned_v_300 Data about the relationship of part As Planned to its child-components. Primary Key:parent_catenax_id, child_catenax_id
part_site_information_as_planned Table used to Store Date about Part Site Information As Planned. Primary Key:UUID
contract_negotiation_info Tables Contains Contract Negotiation Info and offerid Primary Key: connector_id, offer_id
failure_log Table Contains Data About Failure Entries Primary Key:UUID
Flyway_Schema_History Table Contains data Migration History Primary Key:installed_rank
Process_Report Table Contains status of Processing upload Primary Key:process_id
sde_role Table Contains list of roles Primary Key:sde_role
sde_permission Table Contains list of permissions Primary Key:sde_permission
sde_role_permission_mapping Table Contains mapping of role with permissions Primary Key:sde_role, sde_permission
single_level_usage_as_built Data about the relationship of parts to its child-components. Primary Key:parent_catenax_id, child_catenax_id
single_level_usage_as_built_v_300 Data about the relationship of parts to its child-components. Primary Key:parent_catenax_id, child_catenax_id


The scripts are in the folder: resources/flyway.

File naming: Vx__script_name.sql, where x is the version number.

When there is a need to change the last script, it is necessary to create a new script with the changes.

Link to flyway documentation: Documentation.

API authentication

Authentication for the backend is handled via an API Key. This can be set in the configuration file.


GitHub repository with correct version of the Eclipse DataSpace Connector Project: repository.


For used licenses, please see the NOTICE.

Eclipse Dash Tool

The Eclipse Dash tool is used to analyze the dependencies used in the project and ensure all legal requirements are met. We're using the official maven plugin to resolve all project dependencies and then run the tool and update the summary in the DEPENDENCIES file.

Notice for Docker image

Bellow you can find the information regarding Docker Notice for this application.