MP-JWT 1.1 Release
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This is the final version of the 1.1 MP-JWT release. The focus of this release was to add support for configuring the public key and issuer needed for verification of the MP-JWT using MicroProfile Config. The new MicroProfile Config properties are:
- mp.jwt.verify.publickey : The embedded key material of the public key for the MP-JWT signer in PKCS8 PEM or JWK(S) format. If not found the mp.jwt.verify.publickey.location needs to be checked.
- mp.jwt.verify.publickey.location : The relative path or full URL of the public key. All relative paths will be resolved within the archive using ClassLoader.getResource. If the value is a URL it will be resolved using
new URL(“...”).openStream()
- mp.jwt.verify.issuer : The expected iss claim value to validate against an MP-JWT.