Automatically update Slack status with current Spotify track.
In order to access the Spotify API you must generate a proper OAuth token following the Spotify Authorizataion Guide.
This repository contains a simple callback script to generate a Refresh Token from the Spotify OAuth API which is required in the walt-grover.rb
script to continually generate a fresh OAuth token.
Before building and running the container, you must create a Spotify App on the developer dashboard,
Copy the Client ID
and Client Secret
for the Spotify App as these are needed when running the container.
Set the Redirect URIs
to http://localhost:9292/callback
in the Spotify App settings, this must match exactly or the callback will not work.
The callback container is only needed once in order to generate a refresh_token
and only needed unless the refresh_token
has expired.
Build the callback image from Dockerfile.callback
docker build -f Dockerfile.callback -t callback .
Run the callback on localhost on port 9292 passing the CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET generated previously,
docker run -it --rm -e CLIENT_ID=*YOURCLIENTID* -e CLIENT_SECRET=*YOURCLIENTSECRET* -p 9292:9292 callback
In a web borwser go to http://localhost:9292 and click the login with spotify
link. Authenticate with Spotify and a page with an access_token
and refresh_token
will generate. The refresh_token
is used when running the waltgrover
container to update Slack status.
- Slack Personal API Token
- Spotify client_id and client_secret - generated from Spotify App Dashboard
- Spotify refresh_token - generated from callback container
- Default status, emoji, and music emoji to use
Update the .env.example
file in this repository with your Spotify, Slack, and other configurations, and copy to .env
for the container to use as it's configuration.
Example .env
DEFAULT_STATUS="Nothing currently playing"
Build the waltgrover image from Dockerfile
docker build -t waltgrover .
Run the waltgrover container by passing a .env
file with required configuration,
docker run -it --rm --env-file=.env waltgrover
The container queries the Spotify API and sets Slack status to the current playing track every 3 minutes, if nothing is playing, a default status and emoji are set based on the DEFAULT_STATUS
env vars.
Example container output,
[Mar 09 07:02:46.37] Starting up...
Successfuly updated Slack
status: Massive Attack - Unfinished Sympathy - 2012 Mix/Master
emoji: :musical_note:
response code: 200
response message: OK
Sleeping for 180 seconds...
Successfuly updated Slack
status: The Raconteurs - Salute Your Solution
emoji: :musical_note:
response code: 200
response message: OK
Sleeping for 180 seconds...
Successfuly updated Slack
status: The Rentals - My Head Is In The Sun
emoji: :musical_note:
response code: 200
response message: OK
Sleeping for 180 seconds...
Successfuly updated Slack
status: Nothing currently playing
emoji: :speech_balloon:
response code: 200
response message: OK
Sleeping for 180 seconds...