This software is Emerging and subject to ECMWF's guidelines on Software Maturity.
earthkit-hydro is a Python library for common hydrological functions.
- Support for PCRaster, CaMa-Flood and HydroSHEDS river networks
- Computing statistics over catchments and subcatchments
- Finding catchments and subcatchments
- Calculation of upstream or downstream fields
- Handle arbitrary missing values
- Handle N-dimensional fields
Clone source code repository
git clone
cd earthkit-hydro
Create and activate conda environment
conda create -n hydro python=3.10
conda activate hydro
For default installation, run
pip install .
For a developer installation (includes linting and test libraries), run
pip install -e .[dev]
pre-commit install
Earthkit-hydro can be imported as following:
import earthkit.hydro as ekh
The package contains different ways of constructing or loading a RiverNetwork
object. A RiverNetwork
object is a representation of a river network on a grid.
It can be used to compute basic hydrological functions, such as propagating a scalar field along the river network or extract a catchment from the river network.
Given a discretisation of a domain i.e. a set of points
For ease of notation, if an edge exists from
ekh.load_river_network(domain, version)
Loads a precomputed RiverNetwork
. Current options are
domain |
version |
Details | Note |
"efas" | "5" | 1arcmin European | 1 |
"glofas" | "4" | 3arcmin global | 2 |
ekh.create_river_network(path, river_network_format, source="file")
Creates a RiverNetwork
. Current options are
- river_network_format: "esri_d8", "pcr_d8", "cama" or "precomputed"
- source: An earthkit-data compatable source. See list
Currently supported metrics are "sum", "mean", "max", "min" and "product". If weights is provided, it is used to weight the field in the calculation.
ekh.calculate_catchment_metric(river_network, field, stations, metric, weights=None)
Calculates the metric over each catchment defined by stations.
ekh.calculate_subcatchment_metric(river_network, field, stations, metric, weights=None)
Calculates the metric over each subcatchment defined by stations.
ekh.calculate_upstream_metric(river_network, field, metric, weights=None)
Calculates a metric over all upstream nodes for a river network.
ekh.calculate_metric_for_labels(field, labels, metric, weights=None)
(for advanced users) Calculates a metric over field for each label in the labels field.
ekh.flow_downstream(river_network, field)
(for advanced users) Calculates the total accumulated flux down a river network.
ekh.find_catchments(river_network, field)
Finds the catchments (all upstream nodes of specified nodes, with overwriting).
ekh.find_subcatchments(river_network, field)
Finds the subcatchments (all upstream nodes of specified nodes, without overwriting).
ekh.move_downstream(river_network, field)
Updates each node with the sum of its upstream nodes.
ekh.move_upstream(river_network, field)
Updates each node with its downstream node.
Computes the river subnetwork defined by a field mask of the domain.
Exports the RiverNetwork
as a joblib pickle.
earthkit-hydro provides many functions with PCRaster equivalents, summarised below:
PCRaster | earthkit-hydro | Note |
accuflux | calculate_upstream_metric | metric="sum" |
catchmenttotal | calculate_upstream_metric | metric="sum" |
areatotal | calculate_metric_for_labels | metric="sum", return_field=True |
areaaverage | calculate_metric_for_labels | metric="mean", return_field=True |
areamaximum | calculate_metric_for_labels | metric="max", return_field=True |
areaminimum | calculate_metric_for_labels | metric="min", return_field=True |
downstream | move_upstream | |
upstream | move_downstream | |
catchment | find_catchments | |
subcatchment | find_subcatchments | |
abs, sin, cos, tan, ... | np.abs, np.sin, np.cos, np.tan, ... | any numpy operations can be directly used |
Points of difference
- earthkit-hydro treats missing values as np.nans i.e. any arithmetic involving a missing value will return a missing value. PCRaster does not always handle missing values exactly the same.
- earthkit-hydro can handle vector fields and fields of integers, floats, bools. PCRaster supports a restricted subset of this.
1 The EFAS river network is available under the conditions set out in the European Commission Reuse and Copyright Notice and is available at
Margarita Choulga; Francesca Moschini; Cinzia Mazzetti; Grimaldi, Stefania; Disperati, Juliana; Beck, Hylke; Salamon, Peter; Prudhomme, Christel (2023): LISFLOOD static and parameter maps for Europe. European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC) [Dataset] PID:
2 The GloFAS river network is available under the conditions set out in the European Commission Reuse and Copyright Notice and is available at
Margarita Choulga; Francesca Moschini; Cinzia Mazzetti; Disperati, Juliana; Grimaldi, Stefania; Beck, Hylke; Salamon, Peter; Prudhomme, Christel (2023): LISFLOOD static and parameter maps for GloFAS. European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC) [Dataset] PID: